Food in the 5th Dimensional World and How to Prepare Yourself for This Transition

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Today we're gonna be talking about food, food as it relates to spirituality, as it relates to your spiritual journey.




What are the things you should and should not be consuming? We're gonna be talking a lot about being vegan, vegetarian, raw, and fruitarian.

We will also talk about food in 5D and how to make this transition as smoothly as possible. I will give you a quick guide that can help you to better handle what is going to come next for our planet.

00:00 Intro
02:20 Food and spirituality
09:00 Gia goes through a massive upgrade
12:15 Your physical body is changing
20:41 If you don’t keep up with the ascension of the planet
24:30 This is why you should become vegan/vegetarian
26:40 How does food look like in 5D?
34:15 How is this transition going to happen?
46:30 What to do next once you become vegan?
01:01:01 About fasting and detox
01:03:40 About supplements

#vegan #vegiterian #prana #fruitarian

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Someone is gonna need to create a lightworkers cook book sooner rather than later! 😂 Amazing ❤ Thank you Mariya Xx


i went vegan for 7 years after having this exact download about a decade ago and now eat meat again ! for me, i got too "light" for my mission, which is involved in the matrix. my body craved density, so i went back to meat and never looked back. my moon cycle also became much more robust again, even though i was on a whole foods, plant based balanced diet. there are many nuances to this. do what's best for you and your body.


When my daughter was 8 she told me that she did not need a lot of food and eventually would be able to live on Prana. I didn't know what Prana was so I looked it up. She won't eat animals and only eats fruits and veggies and chickpeas and black beans. I grow the vegetables but I truly felt because of beliefs passed on to me that I wasn't nourishing her. She is a ballet dancer and is never hungry and seems to be fine. She eats so much fruit and heraty salad! thank you for sharing


Wow.. 😳 I'm still a meat eater and this video is a LOT to process... Very few people in my environment are vegetarians even less vegans... I'll sart with gluten and red meat.. Even this is going to earn me some weird looks, but I feel a calling to start going down this road so fingers crossed... 😊 Thank you Mariya for sharing these infos with us!❤


I watched until the end. This speaks directly to what I’m physically experiencing with painful gut issues, no longer being able to stomach alcohol, coffee, heavy foods, etc. I can barely eat, for several weeks now. All I want is like fruits, veggies, and brothy soups!


I started my plant based journey after I asked Source how I could raise my vibration. They told me to stop eating dead things. I was at the height of my fitness career and was looking for more ways to get Energy. After fasting I noticed that if I broke my fast with any animal product, my energy would plummet. It was the opposite with plants. That was nearly 10 years ago. I am now at the stage of removing nightshades. It's been an interesting journey 😅


If this information seems a bit daunting but you’d like to get started, I have some baby steps that made it pretty easy for me to quit meat. 1. Stop eating meat from restaurants and only buy meat from local farmers or a health store that has high quality meat (grass fed, healthy animals) it might help you take this step if you become aware of factory farming and how many of these animals are fed trash 2. Eat less meat, starting with only once a day then once a week for a “special” meal 3. Cut out all red meat, then pork, then chicken, then fish/sea food. 4. Begin to substitute dairy with nut milks. This is as far as I’ve gotten and I still eat sushi occasionally and cheese almost every day, but milk started to feel gross so I’m sure I will naturally phase out cheese when I’m ready, especially since it feels harder and harder to digest. We are all in this together, and as Saturn reminded me yesterday, entering a new paradigm is difficult because you have to break through the existing momentum, so keep in mind your ascension path may not always be easy. But once you’re on the other side, it feels so good.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. My husband and I are in our 60s. We NEVER dreamed we would become vegan. However a year ago I was on blood pressure medication and feeling pretty awful. Low to no energy, very little sleep. My husband was also in a negative head space and no energy. We switched to vegan. Within 5 days I felt the vitality come back into my body. I’m felt 20 years younger and I no longer needed my medication.🎉 Then 6 months into this new way of eating we both felt our bodies needed a bit more protein so we added fish back in. Now at the one year mark we are adjusting again omitting alcohol and gluten. I’m excited to see what happens next!


I went into menopause young and have since had issues with hair loss, bone density, skin aging, vascular issues to name a few. I feel MUCH better when eating meat much to my dismay as I was vegetarian and my body could not get enough nutrients for whatever reason. I’d say if you are able to sit in meditation with a life low in stimulation, go for it but we are still anchored in here and though in theory this all sounds good and makes sense, our reality is much different than it will be in the coming decades🙏🏼✨💖


Ex-research scientist here! You are so right with the science... My guides have informed me of the food shift for a very long time.


When I experienced a spiritual awakening for the first time, this is exactly what I was thinking in terms of living off the sunlight! I was manifesting things right away, walking and being outside constantly and needed little sleep. Food felt strange and wrong to eat, I would literally spit things out if it was sometbing heavy and I couldn't handle it. Thank you for all this information, so excited to be on this journey of light and love ❤️
I definitely needed to pace myself more, like you mentioned. I dove in way too fast and it was just too much for my body and mind and ended up going in the opposite direction and dealing with depression and other dense energetic experiences. Go easy and slow :)


Some current humans "eat" like this now. I met a man who mostly just eats the sun. Incredibly powerful. He was able to cure my headache several rooms away.


I'm so glad you covered this. I've been getting these messages in my sleep, and making changes. I am at fruitarian and mostly raw stage myself, but haven't yet been able to explain the 'why' to others, without getting 'that look' from them lol. But I keep progressing, as I do feel the urgency to get there.


This was such an AMAZING episode Mariya, I am so grateful for you speaking on this. Love you SO SO much! hugs xoxo


Finding this in the middle of a 5 day fast! (I’m on day 4) I think the hardest part to hear about this subject, was “karma received by eating meat.“ That made me sad. I was unaware that you accrue karma by eating meat. It’s not that I am naïve, I genuinely feel bad for the animals, but I thought it was a natural process of life. This video educated me on how the animals never agreed to be a food source for humans, which also makes me very sad. At least, in native tradition, we thank Mother Earth, and we always pray over the animal in which the life was sacrificed. I am shook. I thought this was the best way… Every year in my spiritual ascension, I have been guided to do a three day, fast, five day, fast, etc.. I have done the pescatarian to vegetarian to vegan also but I started getting really sick. I definitely get doing Each step of the process. It’s hard to think that I could never have my favorite food again, but also at this point of my life, I do not want to be weighed down by anything, or accrue karma, cause I’ve damn sure know that I have worked so hard and cleared my karma to about 90% cleared. The 10% must be the food.😂 (funny not funny)
The last five day fast I did was after a heart activation in July. The whole time I was having hunger pains, really weak, lethargic, it was the hardest thing that I’ve ever done. However, this time, I set my intention, and I brought in my whole spiritual team in, and I said that this purpose was to detoxify, release any stuck emotions, and if I was to get hunger pangs, my breath would fill my stomach and give me life. So far, I really haven’t been hungry, it really only happens when I am smelling food. That makes it really hard! Over the last few weeks, I had been way less hungry, but without the intention, I was definitely still in some toxic patterning. This whole process of ascension is so hard, it physically is painful, emotionally and mentally draining, lonely, etc, but when we are doing these things, we have to remember our intention. If you’re here, or reading this comment still it’s because you know too just how important this time is for all of us light warriors! The energy of just these past couple of weeks has been so heavy especially the purging of my old self.. but leaders like Mariya have given me the courage to be as strong & as confident as I am working on my own spiritual business launch. I’m both excited and grateful for this time. 🙏🏽🤍✨Thank you for your wisdom and energy Mariya, i’m glad I found you!


I have definitely heard the calling. My intuition has been telling me this information since my childhood, you have confirmed it so beautifully!🙏🏽


Yes it's a good confirmation. I needed to probably hear the nightshade part. I love tomatoes, it's 40 % of my diet. I shall quit and hopefully feel good.


One of my favorite videos of all time!


I starting cheering when you said sweet potatoes were ok!!! And buckwheat is my favorite taste of cereal. The supplements I am taking are for herbs for liver support and cleansing, and vitamins D & B & C, and calcuim. All the highest quality with no alcohol tinctures.


Some of this is blowing my mind. A lot of it I now but still so much is mind blowing! Can you share with us what you do eat?
