“Do tax evaders make your blood boil?” Jon Snow interviews Iain Duncan Smith | Channel 4 News

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The Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith insists that he does know what it's like to look for work. Jon Snow also spoke to Mr Duncan Smith about tax evasion, and controversial proposals that would see the obese stripped of their benefits.

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The fact that he cares much more about benefits cheats than tax evasion is glaringly apparent, as much as he dodges it.


A man who claimed 39pounds for a breakfast on his expenses, now that makes my blood boil.


Whenever I watch IDS on television he strikes me as a condescending patronizing git who lacks compassion and common sense.if he gets angry about benefit cheats ...fine ....but then I get angry about the well to do being paid £1 million a year off the taxpayer for the farm holdings and property subsidies such as he does....I wonder how many people had to get sanctioned for him to receive the money he gets...one rule for us one rule for them so I guess we aren't all in this together.


Its clear! This man does not care about poor! Eventually God will teach him a lesson. Unemployment has been less in Labour government than conservatives(majority of the time), i couldnt understand how people can vote for these kind of people.


So you'll be prosecuting the bankers eh, Ian? Nah, didn't think so.


If there has been a criminal offence committed... how about criminal corporate manslaughter towards the client/"customers" of the corporation of DWP.
There were many leaks of sanction targets and other policies as a corporate strategy. Plus untold amounts to documents not in public domain in my opinion.
This if released would make windrush scandal a non entity. I should imagine it has national security connotations. Under his own word... "let my word be my bond" ... if any offence has been committed...


Iain Duncan Smith and Jon Snow discuss universal credit, tax evasion and benefits changes for the obese.


Some slap ids really hard in face with a chair


IDS is about useful as a chocolate teapot !


300 Remploy initiatives shut down.140 disabled people have committed suicide, since may 2010, as a direct result of having their benefits reduced, suspended or even taken completely away.


He should share a prison cell with the yorkshire ripper, because he's ripping everyone off


And you have wasted 40 million on computer software as well;
'But the big bang tax thingy didnt work to start with either!'
ROFLMFAO cracking open a 6 pack bought with a giro!


The Universal credit 'assessment' periods as they refer to actually con people out of benefit they would actually get under the old system If you are someone who picked up wages week to week your last three wage dates are taken into account regardless that you may have been unemployed for over half the rest of the assessment period. So if you have no saving you literally have to wait until the end of the next assessment period until you actually get anything...that could be up to 8 WEEKS!!!


As of yesterday, 8th July 2015, he got his wish penalising poorer families with more than two children. Mr Smith, you make my skin crawl (and no, I'm not on benefits). You looked a complete and utter fool when you cheered and punched the air, no wonder they ditched you as leader.


So there goes the queen along with the most of his colleagues tax avoidance


The difference in language used is very telling. The visceral nature of saying that benefits cheats make his blood boil and the bureaucratic language about procedures and systems when it comes to tax fraud. On the one hand he aims at people, on the other he avoids mentioning the people involved. When it's poor people cheating the system it makes his blood boil, when it's the rich doing it for vastly higher amounts of money he is much more detached.


"But rich people can have large families but poor people shouldn't" 
Well...yeah. If you can't financially afford to have children then you shouldn't have children. That's not about politics, that's just economic common sense.


Can he stop moving back and forth in a slow motion manner? It's very distracting.


putting people in a state of fear and im saying fear we take responabiity for our familys .and cut monies were you can to jusafie your job ..lets start with u mr ian duncan smith .who died and made you god ..we take care of ourselves but putting undue pressire on people to pay your wages and every other mp s wages .helped people like u to spak up for them and thats what your job is about .you are and companies are putting prices up on everything from heating our homes feeding our children with the pitence we receive bills up money frozen on bennits .how can they cover these bills when goung up and up you sure are not fit for purpose sir you are not doing anything for the people you are looking after the rich and richer like yourself and getting rises without asking the people who pay all of your wages helps to pay for homes reduction on council tax, rent from your tennents .expences for you to go to work where does it end hopefully soon sir


Right on, but you know my friend somewhere along the way the computer software debacle seems to have been conveniently forgotten. As long as you remember that there is one rule for the rich and another for the poor all will be well. Not sure what country you are from. but in. England there was in 19th century a form of entertainment called Music Hall, and one of the old songs that used to be sung was “It’s the rich what gets the pleasure it’s the poor what gets the pain” Enough said
