Public School vs. Homeschool: Know the Difference

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The Babylon Bee is proud to help parents make more well-informed decisions with this complete list of differences between public school kids and homeschooled kids.

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2007: Don't home school your kids. They'll turn out weird. 2024: A record number of public-school kids identify as barn animals.


Home School Kids learn social interaction from adults.
Public School Kids learn social interaction from other kids, who don't know how to be adults.


Homeschool kids learn critical thinking skills while public school kids learn to be critical of those who think for themselves


One of my proudest moments as a mom happened when my son went to public school for the first time in 5th grade because I needed to go to work part-time. Before that, he was homeschooled and private schooled. After two days at the public school, he came home wanting to talk. My mother in law was there too. He said, "Please don't make me go back there ever again." Mother in law said, "You are absolutely going back, that is a fine school." He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "It's a prison mom, please, don't make me go." I looked at him square in the eye and said, "Okay, you are NEVER going back there. We will figure out another way." He was so happy. We got him in a homeschool co-op where other parents were willing to help me out so I could work. Mother in law was plenty mad for awhile. We bucked her on college too, because he didn't want to go. She said, "You have to go, you have no choice; it's what everyone does." Instead, he studied what he was interested in (while working minimum wage). Today he is a professional Surveyor where he gets to be out of doors, he is debt free, and he and his wife are co-op homeschooling their daughter -- she was reading at four, and is having terrific adventures. Yay for homeschooling parents; it used to be that going to school was a privilege, now being homeschooled is a privilege.


Homeschool kids taught how to think
Public school kids taught what to think


I have been a history professor for over 25 years, best students I have had were homeschooled. They are better prepared, more eager to learn and are much better at communicating with others. I have been so impressed I started to share all my lectures as a free resource to help homeschooling families.


I was homeschooled until age 17 and went on to graduate college in three years with highest honors. My siblings and I are happily married to our spouses, own our own homes, have had jobs and provided for ourselves since we were 18, and are looking forward to retirement in a decade or so after carefully planning for our future. Homeschooling (when done properly) prepares kids well for life.


Home school kids, go to bed, at night, the same gender as they got out of bed in the morning.


Homeschool kids spend time with their families, & are together a lot.
Government school kids are rarely with their families, & are taught to hate & keep secrets from their families.


I worked for many years at an historical site teaching kids about life in colonial America. I could always tell the home schooled children from the quality of their questions, their articulation when asking those questions and their knowledge of American history. You guys nailed it once again.


I was homeschooled by my mom. My dad was against it the entire way. Up until I scored in the 97th percentile on my SAT.


Homeschool kids are told to go out and play after finishing their work. Public school kids are told to sit quietly doing as little as possible when they are finished doing their work.


Public school kids pretend to be cats and pee in litter boxes. Home schooled kids learn responsibility for their pets and clean the litter box the family cat uses.


I'm not even a father yet and I've already decided to homeschool.


I was homeschooled. Not only did I graduate from HS early at 16 and start community college (didnt want to transfer to university til I was 18), but at 17 got it in my head I wanted to join the Air Force and scored an 89 on my asvab. My mom was dedicated. If you are a dedicated mom you can give your kids a vetter education and life! My mom did so much stuff with us growing up. Constantly going to museums, aquariums, the zoo, farms, the orchards, construction sites, police departments, etc. She would call ahead and coordinate so we could meet workers and ask questions. We met trash truck drivers, police, fire fighters, zoo keepers, doctors, nurses, quarry men, framers, (the blue collar workers always thought it was neat to be "interviewed").
It gave us a greater appreciation for how the world works, how things actually are made, and the people who make it happen.
I promote homeschooling!


Public school kids learn to read Pat the Bunny in 2nd grade. 🐇
Homeschool kids learn to clean the bunny for dinner.


Strangely enough, my daughter who happens to be homeschooled, graduated a full year ahead of schedule. She's now getting A's in college. Including in such courses and calculus 2 and advanced organic chemistry. Her calc teacher wrote in a recommendation letter that she is one of the best students he has ever taught.
What a freak. What kind of monster have I helped create. :(


Seriously though, the only weird homeschool kids I've ever met are because their parents are weird. But public school kids are weird because its a state requirement for graduation.


I’m a 38 year veteran homeschool mom and I approve of this message. Yes— we’re ALL weird. But weird is just another word for AWESOME! Great job, Bee! 😂👍


I worked for a local school district, and whenever I met kids that had been previously homeschooled I was amazed at how they could carry on a conversation like an adult.
