Homeschool vs. Public School: Which Should We Pick?

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Homeschool vs. Public School: Which Should We Pick?

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I’m a public school teacher, and we are switching to homeschool next year. It’s not the public school of the 90’s.


Stay at home mother of five here. I believed I was perfectly OK not socializing. I was very wrong. I got very depressed and it was awful. You need socializing just as much as your child does!!
Invite somebody over 4 to 6 times a month. It will motivate you to keep your house clean, to learn to make fun snacks.
Watching other mothers interact with their children has taught me a lot. It’s like holding a mirror up to your own parenting. Seeing mistakes and accomplishments.
Your Child should not miss socializing if you’re homeschooling. When you open your heart and home to other people.


As a public school teacher and professor, I vote for homeschooling (if it’s done right). After working in the public school system, I decided my kids would never attend traditional school. My oldest is 13 and she never went to any traditional school.
It’s a huge myth that public school kids socialize. Kids are punished for socializing during classes and they have 20-30 min during lunch for socialization. If kids ever talk during class, it’s on the topic of discussions given by teachers. The only true socialization that goes on at public school is during extracurriculars. That can be achieved with homeschooling by attending the same extracurricular activities.


Honestly I can’t disagree more. I would be worried about this dude being a parent. Most people make excuses so they can drop off their kids and not have to take on the role of a teacher. We developed a homeschool group that trades days parents homeschool and the different types of classes. We have done sewing classes, rocket building classes, gardening classes, credit classes, a scuba class, weapons safety classes, leather classes, horsemanship class and a ton of others.. in addition to reading and math. Homeschool statistically does better than public school. Multiple studies have been done (many from elite universities) promoting homeschool as producing better results. I wouldn’t listen to this dude if it was me.


I think people sometimes forget that this decision is not a "one and done" decision. I homeschooled this year, but my kids are going back. I may homeschool again if I notice my kids thrive better in that environment. Each year can look different!


Just know that this decision doesn’t have to be permanent. You can choose to homeschool for a few years and reevaluate with your spouse and child down the road if public school may be something you want to try. Same with homeschooling; you can send her to public school for a while and then later to decide to homeschool her. No two seasons in life look identical. Choose what works for your family now, and know it’s not permanent if you don’t want it to be. 💕


I was homeschooled my whole life. Loved it. Now my wife and I are homeschooling our children. It is definitely more responsibility and work. But that is worth it to us. The lessons being taught in public school are abhorrent.


Public school harmed my husband and I in many ways. Most people have to have therapy because of public school.


Do both. Sending your kid to school does not absolve you of any responsibility for your child’s education. Teach them at home just as much as they are taught at school


I went to public school and hated it. You do get exposed to a lot, and bullying was particularly bad at my school. I can’t speak to homeschooling, but I know I always wanted to go home once I got to school 😂.


Home school!👍 Public schooling sucks.
Home school is the best, a child can school at home and learn so many things. My daughter practice homeschooling and with the help of that she's able to learn many and today she now earns every week and buy her needs she practices trading and make profits every week. Nice content👍


Oh my god. I hate when people say that homeschool isn’t social. There are groups you can join. Like. Come on. Stop being lazy.


I think homeschooling is amazing! I was homeschooled for some of my education and I chose to homeschool this year instead of dealing with the back and forth with COVID. That said, homeschool loses its wonder when we feel like we have to do it because we’re afraid of the alternative. Homeschooling is a choice that should be made with prayer, confidence, joy and excitement.


"Don't doubt yourself"? This whole session fed her doubts. She clearly wanted to homeschool but has worries about how social she tends to be. This is an area she needs encouragement in, but instead of dealing with that, now her social anxiety is validated and framed as a reason to send her kids to public school for 13 years. Oh, and if her kids are exposed to nasty words and ideas at a young age, that's wonderful! What?!

So now she is encouraged to ACCEPT her irrational fear and avoidance of socializing, while SUPPRESSING a very valid and protective desire to guard her kid against bad influences. It's "bad company corrupts good morals" not "bad company is harmless and actually provides dinner table conversation."

It's not paranoia if her niece was exposed to porn in school like MANY kids are. It's not paranoia when he's admitting exposure to nasty things WILL happen. It's not paranoia when public schools pumping out liberal democrats like it's their JOB (well, to be clear, 90% ARE liberals and actually believe it IS their job, so...). It's not paranoia when literally 1 in 4 high school kids now identify as LGBTQ, including gender confused kids. It's not paranoia when some entire states or districts are mandating teaching kids about things like sodomy and how to perform sex acts as part of their "education" and "inclusivity." California is one, of course.

Super biased and baseless advice, sorry. Needless to say, a mom who needs encouragement to attend playdates at the park is not up to the task of being assertive with teachers and a bulldog in the face of a public school.


We've been homeschooling for 7 years. I don't really like being super social either but that hasn't stopped my very outgoing kids from having lots of friends. They go to a one day a week homeschooling enrichment program where I don't have to that means I drop them off and pick them up but I don't have to talk to other parents and teachers very much.
My kids are also in extra curriculars where I come and watch them but I generally sit off by myself and have limited conversation with others.


I asked my fifth grader if she wanted to go back to public school. She told me "no, I like you teaching me". I asked about her friends. She said she talks to them and makes new ones when we go traveling. We travel into Mexico. So maybe, she gets enriched socialization. Whatever, life is made for living.


I have been in her shoes and I would recommend trying the homeschool first. If it does not work out you can always do the public. You can never get back your daughter being six, snuggling together and learning those firsts. I’m not saying that to rub it in to anyone, but you’ll never know if you don’t try. Kids can socialize in the neighborhood, sports, church groups.... literally everywhere. And with people they choose to.


I used to be a public school teacher, and I think homeschool is an excellent option if done correctly. There is too much wrong with the public school system. Just make sure they are involved in extracurricular activities.


To add another voice to the chorus... I'm a college professor and I too vote for homeschooling. My homeschooled students are light years ahead of their public school peers. The kicker is that they are also more social. I'm not sure why that is but I suspect that the public school environment has become toxic for kids. The public school kids are completely anti-social and lacking in confidence.

Not long ago I took over a dual credit class because the previous teacher got busted for having an inappropriate relationship. The "advanced" kids at the public high school were underwhelming. Several of them could barely read and write. And this is ostensibly a well-rated public school.

Quite frankly, there is no substitute for one on one instruction. It has been the primary method of instruction for thousands of years. It's the kind of system that produced figures like Cicero, Descartes and Thomas Jefferson. Even if you've never done it before, you will still outperform the public schooling system. I recommend that you read a few books first and give it a go.


Homeschooling can be successful but likely not in her case. Seems she is projecting her own social anxiety onto her child, trying to keep her a baby and shelter her from ever being exposed to anything of the outside world. Unless she can overcome this, she'll turn the kid into a basket case. Over-sheltering can backfire because you'll create an adult unable to break out of their bubble and go out into the world.
I think alot of whether or not homeschool is successful depends upon why the parent is doing it. I work a little higher up the chain and I've seen amazing kids come from homeschool but I've also seen some come out stunted, entitled, and unable to adjust to large groups.
