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In order to dig more deeply into this issue we've declared April Body Image month on SLU. All of our features include magnificent/remarkable women and their relationships with their bodies and how it affects their style and lives. We'll commence with a Round Table composed of Eve, Cory Kennedy, DJs Venus X and Grace Lee, NYCB dancer Megan LeCrone, fashion journalist Nicolette Mason, designer Domonique Echeverria, and Model Alliance founder Sara Ziff. Then we'll premiere Closets about NYU beauty Mattie Barringer, who threw up into trash bags, and timeless supermodel Erin O'Connor, who was picked to pieces by the fashion magazines, even though her extraordinary beauty slashed stale beauty norms. There'll be more: Twitter chats, Facebook talks, and a gut-wrenching article from Lils about the struggles she had with her body growing up.