Is PHP Agency a Scam? (The Truth About This Agency)

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0:00 - Intro
0:25 - PHP a Scam?
1:25 - The Real Issue with people and PHP
3:53 - PHP can't be a scam
5:00 - POTUS has been at our events
6:04 - Why $199 Fee?
6:30 - You have to invest as an entrepreneur (Uber, YouTube, PHP)
8:25 - What the $199 fee gets you
9:10 - Is it a pyramid scheme, where the people at the top make the most money?
10:44 - Ask you boss this question (if you don't believe me)
11:33 - Is it an MLM?

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#phpagency #patrickbetdavid
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I appreciate the explanation, but there are only so many policies one can write within a market / footprint. I wouldn’t be able to, in good conscience, recruit someone and set them up for failure in a saturated market. Additionally, who wants to hire your own competition? Oh, I’m being selfish! If so, why doesn’t PHP just offer to join for free if that’s the philosophy?


Cause they just recruit people to get the $200 dollars. The lady that introduce me don't even how to explain how to reach the clients or any marketing skills. She just worry about the $219. And y'all talk about the same people attending the meeting. Y'all pay the president and Kobe to show up.


You've gotta be kidding. A Ponzi scheme is a Ponzi scheme.


Bro look at the reports they let out. Every bit of advertising says that you can make money on the side by working PHP every now and then yet the VAST majority of salesman don’t make more than $300 a year. PHP is another MLM that uses new hires to make money for those higher up.


Nos dices cuánto estás ganando ahora mismo. Un año después.


PHP for People Helping Patrick or PHP for Philippine Peso because of Matt Sapaula is a Filipino.


Y'all say the same but don't explain much . Be honest y'all only care about the $200 and move on


Everybody at Amazon make an hourly wage does php have an hourly wage, i didnt tbink so


First, I am a PHP Agency Affiliated Agent. I joined in February of 2022 as a part-time agent. I earn good money on my current job, and I am retired from the USAF.

When I was in the Air Force, the organizations focused on mission, leadership, and people. PHP Agency is the same. The people who actually get off their butts to work also focus on serving customers/clients(mission), leadership (books and coaching), and people (helping new and seasoned agents). In my opinion, the organization is outstanding. No matter what you believe, the folks in our uplines seem to want us to be more successful than we want for ourselves. I say this because uplines (marketing directors) prepare for hours to train all of the agents under them on Tuesdays and Saturdays. They answer our calls and get back to us when we have a question or problem. My upline (Fred and Christy Terris) work their behinds off coaching people like me who do not always listen. But the harder my head is, the more I realize I need to be aligned with them.

My upline teaches us how to interact with others, how to lead, how to build a business, and are there to remind us of our goals ... they push us to be the best version of ourselves. The Air Force did that to, but not to this level. And the people who are our peers also help. Peers step in and assist when we have other commitments, are on vacation, or are out sick. When I can not meet with a person due to other obligations, someone is always available to run the appointment for me. And we do not even get paid for recruits. However, if it is a meeting with a client who buys insurance, we split the commission.

Well, I can go on and on about PHP Agency because I have made a few dollars part-time in this business. I also know a $500K+ earner who did not earn a penny in his first year (Andrew Gaines). So yes, we have to learn to sell, to close. But you know what we really do? We help people. We help families. A lot of you naysayers are people who quit. You didn't have it. Guess what ... I don't know if I have it either. But, I am not going to bash people who are helping me and others. We teach people how to make and save money. We teach rules to the money game. And we teach people how to build generational wealth regardless if they join or not.

And the IUL, that tool is a game changer if properly structured and overfunded. It is better than the stock market because risk is pretty much eliminated, your money grows tax-free, and you can pull it out tax-free. And, of course, the death benefit is tax-free. So, if you want some real talk about PHP Agency, Big Event, and whatnot, hit me up. And if you didn't get your license, didn't show up for training, or complained all the time ... then keep PHP Agency out of your mouth because you were not coachable, didn't follow the blueprint, and didn't try hard or long enough. PHP is not a get rich quick scheme. You have to WORK!


If you want to be paid fast, such as every Friday stay employed.
PHP is for self motivated people who have that Entrepreneurial spirit. Work To achieve your personal goal, like owning your own business there will be good and bad days. Never Quit!


How is this company different from primerica cause it sounds the exact same


I personally want to say to you thank you I appreciate you for the contents & example That you bring to the table, you are a true leader & your mindset by taking out your time to explain to people about PHPagency .Some people will embrace your message & some people will not understand because of their mindset in the level of where they are at in their life today as a employee mindset thinking .


"We" have to be licensed by the state. I got your number. Ha ha ha


Brainwash is a powerful thing. Godspeed sir lol.


Great reasons !!

Those who have self doubts and limited beliefs will say the “ scammy “ . Don’t let my self believe affect your self doubt


There is NO recruiting in sales!!!

If you make sale #1 you get a commission!!!

This guy is lying!!!


I think you've done a pretty good job educating those that yell "scam" - it's clearly not that.

It's also not a ponzi scheme either, the person who claimed that, clearly doesn't know what a ponzi scheme is.

For those thinking $150-$200 is a "large investment" - they clearly aren't the ones that should be considering entrepreneurship, or even being an independent.

My question(s) / feedback is this:
1) Given the concept of an MLM, and the idea that PHP is "People Helping People" - which people are helping which people (is it people within the organization helping each other, or is it, as I'd like to believe, truly helping out the consumer)?
2) Assuming it is directed at helping "consumers", then given the pay structure of those inside an MLM, how does this translate to the consumer being helped (the cost to pay those 6 and 7 figure annual incomes you mentioned a few times has to come from somewhere)? I get there are great products out there, I think I saw mention of the IUL, and I know about the no-cap annuities, but - why should someone look in to this with a PHP agent / representative versus say another non-MLM organization that may not have as much over-head which presumably needs to be paid by someone? I've got to think it's somehow passed on to the end consumer.... no (even if you say that it's paid by the various insurance companies)?


Bud dont get high before making a video.


lol 😂 scam with life insurance as a cover up stop fooling yourself bro
