Dave Ramsey Reacts to my “HORRIBLE” Advice?

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Dude goes after your facial hair first, which automatically puts you ahead in this exchange. You edify the Ramseys in your response while offering objective analysis. Everyone, this is how you win an argument: with pure class. Well done.


You handled this like Chris Rock. Respect!


Thanks for the respectful response. More than the guy deserved, it seems his position was just "young guy on youtube bad, doesnt know anything about money." Appreciate all your insight man.


I was curios to see how you’d react to this and I have to say I’m 100% impressed. I do love some Ramsey, most cause I just love finance talk. But I’ve learned calculated risk can help leap you forward quite a bit and I love the way you put this together. In this case I don’t think either you or Ramsey are 100% correct. Rather different needs require a different answers. I like rather a fusion of both of you guys ideas. Use systems at hand to your advantage, such as credit cards, have discipline to use them responsibly. Cheers sir, you just gained a subscriber.


As a Dave Ramsey follower of 4yrs I have to say that your advice is for the next level. The reason I followed Dave was to get out of debt and manage my money responsibly. Once I created that habit then I worked on my credit and that of my wife with credit cards and like Daniel said pay off when the bill is due your credit will sky rocket. I have now quit my job and got into real estate investing using other ppl money to build my wealth. Thanks again Daniel for helping everyone that is on your channel with ideas to become wealthy and at the end of the day we are responsible for our own financial choices.


Great video! I was on a Dave Ramsey video binge for about 6 months and read his book. While he does offer great advice for people with particular financial issues, he definitely doesn't offer a "one size fits all". I've followed Daniel for about 18 months now. His advice fits me much better. I wish there were more of these reaction videos!


They’re just putting words in your mouth to make their own ideas sound better when really there’s good advice in your video.


Using credit cards to build credit is important especially in other countries. The housing market is going crazy highs and having a good credit score for rent or buying property is important. I'm from the UK and it's expensive over here


Still tryna figure out why drag the facial hair in all these 😭😂

But seriously if personal finance would be one size fits all, only the rich gets richer and very few achieves financial freedom. Thankfully there are a pool of other ideas like this that gives chance to those who can’t keep up with one method. Mad respect 🔥🔥🔥


Your content is good and straight to the point and no bs thats why I subscribed my boy keep up the good work, I've used these tips even before you started making videos and they work. My score is at 800 now.


Praise to you for being so respectful.


Some of the "advice" they push on the Dave Ramsey show is borderline predatory and the vast majority of it is very unrealistic. Their though process always seems to be based around the idea that if you use any financial product slightly more complex than cash or a debit card you have to be drowning in debt. It's just nonsense and needs to be taken with a grain of salt.


Yo Daniel you have good advice and you know what your talking about way to handle this guys it was refreshing to see someone act respectful to ignorance nice video man


What so many people don't understanding is... people on disability aren't ALLOWED to save what most financial advice people would recommend. We have to use credit cards a lot for emergencies or cost increases. I am hoping to get an ABLE account but that only allows me to save for thing relating to my disabling conditions. Also...some people on disability can't work. Every circumstance is different and we all have different capabilities.
Telling me to get a job when daily interactions cause my body to react negatively...doesn't make sense. I already hear this from a parent and ex.


Man your tik toks are great! Don't stop we need shorts like yours


The Dave Ramsey algorithm is strong these days


Nice keep improving your editing and make it like you are bringing us through and story or movie


I take my advice from licensed financial advisors and not some radio host with a southern drawl like Ramsey


I wish Dave would speak about getting a jumbo loan with manual underwriting. I live in an EXPENSIVE area of CA and Churchill said they could not do a loan for me as it was above some number. In my area a tear down single family goes for 900K.


Hey it’s okay man I can’t get my beard to that level yet either 😂
