If division is not allowed in Islam why Allah allows one sect to enter jannah Dr Zakir Naik #hudatv

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Flaws are in people, in their understanding, level of iQ not in religion islam, islam is perfect


Making way to jannah Don't call urself sunni, Shia, wahabi, barelvi, salafi, deobandi etc and accept 4 imams as school of thoughts and follow Quran and sunnah


Idk why it is hard for some people to grasp the idea of free will. Just imagine instead of Allah giving us the chance to perform deeds in this world he just directly sent us to Jannah or Jahannam. It would seem so unfair to us since we were never sent to this world. Imagine a teacher just giving you your test results which you never took, saying they already knew what you were gonna get in the test. So why bother with you even trying? Of course you would question your teacher and it would be completely unfair for you to not even try the test yourself!
Another example, just imagine a baby is born and you know that the child is gonna grow up to become a tyrant king one day, would you just kill the child right away just because you know they’re gonna do bad deeds? That would be so unfair on the child!
It is literally Allah’s mercy that he is giving us the chance to try, he GAVE us the answers he GAVE us the rules, he even told us what will happen on the judgement day! simple, just follow it! And when we die we can’t complain to Allah that he never gave us free will and the chance to even try. Again whatever is our outcome Allah will know since he is all knowing.


Thank u sir.
I was in doubt regarding this matter, you cleared my doubt❤
May Allah bless u sir❤


very good video but you forgot to say Sallalahu Alaihi Wasalam after the Prophet [SAW]'s name.


Dr. zakir Naik... Alhamdulillah....
Look at your five fingers...
They are... Unequal....
No two of your fingers
Are alike....
This is... Allah's.... Jamait....
Suppose all your five fingers are alike.... They can... Never.... Perform.... Tasks... Which.... You need from your hands....
No two individuals are
Allah wants... Unity....in
Diversity... Peace and
Harmony.. ❤..


Why Zakir is not able to go to his birthplace India?


Actually Prophet said such statement bcz when he sense that there is differences among companion then Prophe warns them that as previous followers of books divided into 72 so if you people continue to be like this then possibility of that you will be divided into 73. BUT not said one of them will go to Janna infact said that those who will not be part of divisions and follow Allaha and Rasool sunna will be on right path.


Regarding the teacher student example, what if the teacher already knew that a particular student is going to write 2+2=5 . because the teacher knows everything(in this case Allah(s.w.t)), then where is the free will? This question of free will has always puzzled me from the very beginning. I don't know whether it really exists or we are just living in a holographic simulation where everything is predetermined and free will is just an illusion. I hope i would be able to find a reasonable answer to this ques someday in sha allah....


Surah As-Saffat (37:83) of the Quran, it is mentioned that some of the followers (Shia) of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) were among the believers. The Arabic text of the verse is as follows:

وَإِنَّ مِن شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْرَاهِيمَ

This can be translated to "And indeed, among the followers of Ibrahim are those who were Shia [of him]."


I wanted to get a better understanding on this hadith in regards to the three Abrahamic faiths, which is split into sects.


For Allah's sake someone should help us know what are the following in Islam; sufisim, wahabisim, sunnism, tijanisim, siasim did not just came themselves, anything with a name(nouns) is from Allah and it has a correct meaning...


Abu `Amir al-Hawdhani said:
Mu`awiyah b. Abi Sufiyan stood among us and said: Beware! The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) stood among us and said: Beware! The people of the Book before were split up into seventy two sects, and this community will be split into seventy three: seventy two of them will go to Hell and one of them will go to Paradise, and it is the majority group.

Ibn Yahya and `Amr added in their version : “ There will appear among my community people who will be dominated by desires like rabies which penetrates its patient”, `Amr’s version has: “penetrates its patient. There remains no vein and no joint but it penetrates it.”

Hasan (Al-Albani)

Sunan Abi Dawud, 4597
In-Book Reference: Book 42, Hadith 2
English Reference: Book 41, Hadith 4580


Allah would decide whom is "Shiya" or "Sunnhi"! It's nor your and mine task to evaluate another muslim's Imane(Faith). You have to respect them as one Ummah and believer of the Almighty Allah as a Muslim. It's just this simple!


- Quran (God's words) says sects are haram
- Hadith (people's words) says 73 sects
Then all 73 are haram. Take Quran over hadith. Basic logic


Dr. Zakir naik sir, the hadith of Tirmizi 2641 about the 73 sects is daif by Albani and Zubair Ali Zai. 🤨🤐


Mention the two sects of Islam and write one characteristic of each.


Prophet pbuh and hiss family.
Said the two things are
Al Quran and his Ahlul Byth.
Not any Sahabas.
Dr.Zakir bluffing. .


Shaykh Al Dedew said the parts about "all will go to hell except one" and "me and my companions" are WEAK (i.e. NOT Authentic!). Dr Naik is wrong


i am confused. does this mean that i should not be sunni or shia? i should just be "muslim"? i dont like these labels and i dont want to classify with them. i just want to be a muslim does this mean i will enter hell fort not identifying with the right sect?
