ADJECTIVES - Basic English Grammar - Parts of Speech Lesson 4 - What is an Adjective? - Grammar

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Hello and welcome back to our parts of
speech series
My name is Ganesh and in this lesson
we're going to learn all about
adjectives. In this lesson I will tell
you what is an adjective and what are
the two main types of adjectives and
then we will focus on using adjectives
correctly and how to avoid common
mistakes that students make with them. We
will look at three areas: ed and ing
adjectives, comparatives and superlatives
and the order of adjectives - that is when
you have more than one adjective in a
sentence, which should you put first
second etc. So we'll talk about avoiding
errors in these three areas. Before we
start just remember if you have any
questions at all you can ask me in the
comments section below and I will talk
to you there.
OK so first of all what is an adjective?
Well that's easy - an adjective is a word
that gives information about a noun or
pronoun. In grammar we say that an
adjective modifies a noun or pronoun
modify here means to change the noun or
pronoun by giving more information about
For example take a look at this sentence
There are three small black wooden
chairs in this room. Focus on the noun
chairs and can you tell me which
adjectives modify - that is give more
information - about chairs? The adjectives
are three, small, black and wooden. These
adjectives answer questions like How
many? What size? What color? What material?
etc. Now in this example the adjectives
occur before the noun but they can also
appear after the noun or pronoun like in
this example - The food was hot and
delicious. Here the adjectives hot and
delicious appear after the noun food and
notice that we use the linking verb be -
past tense was - to connect the noun and
the adjectives.
OK now that you know what an adjective
is let's talk about the two types of
adjectives in English
There are two main types of adjectives
in English - these are called determiners
and descriptive adjectives. Or as I like
to say less interesting and more
interesting adjectives. I say that
descriptive adjectives are more
interesting because these are what we
commonly think of as adjectives - words
like beautiful, big, small, tall, short, blue,
red etc. So what are determiners then? Well
determiners are a small group of grammar
words that act as adjectives. Words like
my, our, your, his, her etc. are determiners
When I say - That's my car, for example, the
word my shows that I'm not talking about
any car - I'm talking about one particular
car - my car - so the word my acts as an
adjective by giving information about
the noun car. In the same way the words
this, that, these and those also act as
adjectives. Also the question words what,
which and whose can be determiners. If I
asked - Which team do you think will win
the next match? - the word which asks for
information about team. Team is a noun
so which is an adjective. Quantity words
like numbers and quantity expressions
such as a few, some and many are
determiners as well. And finally articles
that is the words
a, an and the are also considered
adjectives because if I said - A window is
broken - it could be any window but if I
said - The window is broken - we both know
which window I'm talking about so
articles give us information about nouns
and so they're also adjectives. Now all
determiners are adjectives but we will
discuss these in other lessons because
each one of them is a big topic. In this
lesson we're going to focus on the
really interesting adjectives that is
adjectives and we will look at how to
avoid common errors with them.
Now in English there are lots and lots
of descriptive adjectives - some of them
are formed from nouns, verbs and even
other adjectives.
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Dear Mr. Genesh. I’m Korean. For a long time, I have been struggling because of my son's grammar. Nowadays I am solving the difficulties through your lectures. You are such an excellent teacher. Thank you so much.


Where were uu sir, I was searching for a good english teacher and my search finally ends here. Plzz make a video on active and passive a complete new lecture combinint everything sir.


This is the very first time, i have seen orders of adjectives like this. I have read a lot of books but i never found such kind of things. Very very useful video 👍👍 thank you


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Much respect to you, sir. I watch your classes, make notes, and rewatch the classes again and again to polish my grammar teaching skills. The way you simplify every lesson has inspired me and helped me to teach my students with precision. I hope you can post more English grammar lessons if possible. It’s a humble request. Thank you for your hardwork, sir.


Thank You Ganesh,
Especially for making it easy to UNDERSTAND for an OLD JOCK like myself.
I was a terrible student because I thought more about Sports than school.
It was sad for my Mother because she was a Special Needs Teacher in Elementary School.
She made the Decision to have me repeat the Fourth grade mostly because my English studies were so poor.
I played for the Oakland Raiders from 1978 to 1982 then returned to Wichita State University to finish my degree in General Studies.
I have always wanted to Write A Book,
My Sister was an amazing Writer and she always gave me the INSPIRATION to write. She read much of my writing and was very Enthused and Complimentary about it.
But I know NOTHING about how to go about doing it.
Thank You
John Parker


I have been watching your grammar lessons for quite a long time. It has been very useful for my personal growth as well as for teaching students. I still haven't given up my learning habits. I always had difficulty in arranging string of adjectives to describe a noun know matter how hard I try. But after this video, I think I will have to put less effort in arranging them from now onwards. Thanks for being my mentor.


i watch many vedios of grammer daily but ur explanation different from others no words are enough to compliment you, Thanks


I have been worrying that whether you are still active or not. If yes, please post more English grammar videos. Because, these are very helpful and makes learners life easy.


Mr. Ganesh is a crisp and clear English teacher.
I hope my adjective order is correct


Appreciate the way you teach the concept. Really inspiring and I am polishing my English by watching your videos. Kudos for the good work.


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Thank you sir. The best classes! The best aspect of your classes is unique and complete. May Almighty give you more strength. The more you have energy the more we learn from you.


Sir you are explaining English so nicely than others trainers 😊


You are one of the best teacher sir 👍👍


Sir, my teacher used to advise me to improve my grammar. After watching your videos, I score the highest in Grammar. Thanks a lot for your hard work and effort.


Hi Ganesh, you are the BEST teacher. Thank you
