ADJECTIVES | -ED | -ING | English grammar and vocabulary

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adjectives | English grammar | English vocabulary
confusED? confusING? borED? borING? bewilderED? bewilderING? depressED? depressING? The -ed / -ing ending can completely change the meaning of your sentence!
In today's lesson, let's look at the difference between ED and ING adjectives. You'll improve your grammar and hopefully learn some new vocabulary as well.
Thank you so much for watching this video and don't forget to leave me a comment with an example sentence!
🔥COMMON QUESTIONS: Arnel, how do you edit your videos? What software do you use?
I use a combination of these two tools:
For video editing / screen recording
For images / graphics / stock videos / thumbnails:
(These are both affiliate links. I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you 💜.)
I've used both these tools since day 1. If you go to my very first YouTube videos, you'll see my progression from then until now. You can do it too!
✉️Let me know in the comments or send me a direct Instagram message (arnelseverydayenglish) if you want me to make a video lesson on how I create, edit and design my lessons. If enough people are interested, I'll definitely make one for you guys!
🚀If you SUBSCRIBE to my channel and turn on those NOTIFICATIONS, you'll never miss a lesson.
I hope this lesson is helpful! Thank you very much for watching 😊
And thank you so much @thegreatnorthsoundsociety and @joelcummins for your music!
1. aggravated aggravating
2. amazed amazing
3. amused amusing
4. annoyed annoying
5. astonished astonishing
6. bewildered bewildering
7. bored boring
8. captivated captivating
9. challenged challenging
10. comforted comforting
11. confused confusing
12. convinced convincing
13. depressed depressing
14. devastated devastating
15. disappointed disappointing
16. disgusted disgusting
17. disturbed disturbing
18. embarrassed embarrassing
19. encouraged encouraging
20. entertained entertaining
21. excited exciting
22. exhausted exhausting
23. fascinated fascinating
24. flattered flattering
25. frightened frightening
26. frustrated frustrating
27. horrified horrifying
28. humiliated humiliating
29. inspired inspiring
30. insulted insulting
31. interested interesting
32. irritated irritating
33. moved moving
34. overwhelmed overwhelming
confusED? confusING? borED? borING? bewilderED? bewilderING? depressED? depressING? The -ed / -ing ending can completely change the meaning of your sentence!
In today's lesson, let's look at the difference between ED and ING adjectives. You'll improve your grammar and hopefully learn some new vocabulary as well.
Thank you so much for watching this video and don't forget to leave me a comment with an example sentence!
🔥COMMON QUESTIONS: Arnel, how do you edit your videos? What software do you use?
I use a combination of these two tools:
For video editing / screen recording
For images / graphics / stock videos / thumbnails:
(These are both affiliate links. I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you 💜.)
I've used both these tools since day 1. If you go to my very first YouTube videos, you'll see my progression from then until now. You can do it too!
✉️Let me know in the comments or send me a direct Instagram message (arnelseverydayenglish) if you want me to make a video lesson on how I create, edit and design my lessons. If enough people are interested, I'll definitely make one for you guys!
🚀If you SUBSCRIBE to my channel and turn on those NOTIFICATIONS, you'll never miss a lesson.
I hope this lesson is helpful! Thank you very much for watching 😊
And thank you so much @thegreatnorthsoundsociety and @joelcummins for your music!
1. aggravated aggravating
2. amazed amazing
3. amused amusing
4. annoyed annoying
5. astonished astonishing
6. bewildered bewildering
7. bored boring
8. captivated captivating
9. challenged challenging
10. comforted comforting
11. confused confusing
12. convinced convincing
13. depressed depressing
14. devastated devastating
15. disappointed disappointing
16. disgusted disgusting
17. disturbed disturbing
18. embarrassed embarrassing
19. encouraged encouraging
20. entertained entertaining
21. excited exciting
22. exhausted exhausting
23. fascinated fascinating
24. flattered flattering
25. frightened frightening
26. frustrated frustrating
27. horrified horrifying
28. humiliated humiliating
29. inspired inspiring
30. insulted insulting
31. interested interesting
32. irritated irritating
33. moved moving
34. overwhelmed overwhelming