Sprinters Wall Drill

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WHY: Speed comes from an increase in ground reaction force that is both vertical and the often forgotten, horizontal output. Training speed is largely dependent on how you accelerated to that speed and if you can maintain that speed.⁣

The wall drill puts You/ your athlete's speed training in a window and isolate the acceleration, horizontal output, phase of a sprint.⁣

Its important to note NOTHING will replace maximal effort sprinting when it comes to training speed. BUT if you can replicate the various demands of the sprint, in a window, you can start to find where you need to make improvements. ⁣

Improvements whether sprinting/strength/diet/nutrition etc comes as a result of analyzing what matters. Everything else is guesswork.⁣

Set up⁣

Start at a roughly 45 degree angle, think aggressive and unnatural lean. ⁣
Feet to the head is stacked. Ankle, knee, hips, to the head are aligned⁣
Create tension throughout your body nothing should be lose. ⁣
Start in a knee up toe up position. The knee should be 90 degrees from the toe. ⁣

Execution ⁣

Start simple. See if you can maintain posture and the set up in a static hold for 10,20,30seconds. ⁣
Then progress to switches (Slide 2) ⁣
Switch on a coach's cues or if your alone set a timer for 20 seconds and film yourself. Look for the common faults. ⁣

Common Faults ⁣

Failing to keep the hip extension/knee extension or the aggressive lean⁣
Unable to replicate the landing position of your trail foot. ⁣
External or internal rotation of the knee up leg #toesforward ⁣

Give wall drills a shot and let me know how it goes. Bonus if you want, film yourself and email me the video and will go over it together. Link in the bio to everything ⁣

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