How to Spot the Loveliest People in the World

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“The loveliest people are not the applauded and the haughty ones, the elated and the optimistic ones.

They are the ones who long ago shed their pride, who can tell you frankly how lonely and sad they are, who can face their self-hatred and accept their regrets…”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Faye Fillingham

Title animation produced in collaboration with

Graeme Probert

kindness, compassion, empathy, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, vulnerability, authenticity, human connection, relationships, personal growth, spotting genuine people, seeing beyond the surface, traits of truly lovely people, understanding hidden kindness, appreciating vulnerability, connecting with authentic individuals, building meaningful relationships, emotional intelligence in real life, finding beauty in unexpected places, the power of vulnerability,
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The irony about being one or finding one is, they are so hidden and stuck in nooks and crannies and to find them you have to be one too, it makes them so isolated as well.


"I have come to recognise that being trustworthy does not demand that I be rigidly
consistent but that I be dependably real." - Carl R. Rogers.


It takes a lot of personal development to get from being unaware to becoming hyper-aware, to letting go and just live.
But to the untrained eye, the first and the last look the same.


My office mate is such a person. The best gift life has gifted me. She has an extremely dark sense of humor, complains about her job, colleagues, and marriage every single day (and will tell you even the most embarrassing bit, like difficulty in the bedroom), yet is still a very very sweet and empathetic person. When I make mistakes, she'd be the best person to comfort me. When I experienced grief, she's the only person that can listen to my loss and cry with me. She gets through life with minimal hope, often expecting the worst to happen, but she's still very responsible and can find joy in some of her work. She has a lot of hobbies and never takes anything seriously. What a remarkable person. I do aspire to be more like her.


“Don’t be particularly attached to appearing sane.” This is the permission slip I needed.


I have always believed that experiencing suffering makes people nicer to others


Every time I meet a kind soul, I genuinely find it impossible to forget them. They stick around in my memory, occasionally popping up at unexpected times, never not making me smile, never not making my day better. God bless the lovely and kind. I love them ever so dearly.


My old best friend was literally the best guy ever. He was actually the coolest person you could meet. The kinda guy that simply had the heart to not harm anyone. Than he took his own life. He kinda just absorbed all the bad things that happened to him and never gave any back. It's like him killing himself was the sacrafise he had to make instead of being like us. He just left in silence. Wish i had it in me to testify for him back then. You couldn't find a soul on earth that was ever harmed by that man.


“They know that life is mostly pain, mystery, and error” was honestly such a banger of a line to drop.


"...they would never be so mean as to try to cheer you up" -- YES


these are also the kind of people who stay silent for most of their lives, and leave this madness gently, without a chance to get to know them


This isn't meant to be a brag at all, but I'm simply so proud of the fact, that I learned to listen to people and to let them be just the way they are in that moment. It's only over the past couple of years I've come to realise that not a lot of people are actually able to do that, like most will try to get rid of your pain because they can hardly tolerate their own, or immediately go into their head and start problem solving on a practical level without acknowledging any of the feelings. I'm so glad it's a rare gift I can give to others, and that I've also found two friends who can do the same for me.


I need an entire animated series about this adorable puppy’s daily thoughts.


The loveliest people I know do try to cheer me up, just not in a way that dismisses my suffering


Didn't know accepting my depression could make me so lovely 🙂


You forgot telling these people to be all they are but also have boundaries. As this person who has been this way all my life, I've only encountered people who took advantage of this. So yes, the loveliest people also deserve other lovely people not folks who use the fact that they understand everyone for granted and take advantage of them. Having these qualities is hard to stop having but then again, such is the world that one must ensure they are protected. Your loveliness doesn't guarantee safety. Be lovely, not naive


There is another side to this story. Those people are always exploited, yet they never give up on their loved ones. It is difficult to be that person who gives everything knowing there is a huge void inside. They understand everyone, yet even their loved ones have great difficulty understanding them without judging. Their dark humor serves as a defense mechanism to show the world that they are broken inside, but they never give up on fixing the broken pieces. They are ridiculed, mocked, and looked down upon... Yet, even after everything, they remain the loveliest people in the world.


I don't tend to think much of myself. I'm not a very capable person, and I'm horribly powerless against the world around me. Even my kindness seems to poison those near me, and I'm too wimpy to stop them from taking advantage.

So yeah. I tend to view myself rather lowly.

But to see my traits lined up and treated like they're something to be praised... It makes my heart feel warm. Thank you for this video. It means a lot to me.


You're actually describing my dog. I'll take notes and try to be more like him.


“Against a backdrop of despair, they can laugh with exceptional richness and glee.”❤❤❤
