How much money will your FIRST INDIE GAME make?

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Thanks for watching! Hope you learned a ton.


"...even just $100, 000..."
Just? I couldn't even imagine making that much on my tenth game...


i would be honest even earning 1 $ from your first game should be considered a achievement


HOLY MOLY YOU MADE FLASH GEOMETRY WARS! I played the crap out of that in middle school, that’s crazy.


A tip for every new game dev around here: learn music and audio production. No matter if you game only uses basic forms as graphics, if it has good original music and good sound effects, it will be good and it will sell.


if you havent made already a video about it i would like to learn about the story why you sold your IP and how you got it
thumbs up people if you wanna hear the story


I’m going to make my second game and if it gets atleast like 20€ I will consider it a success honestly


"...or even just 100, 000$"
"JUST 100, 000$" ? I just hope it will cover the development/production cost, by that I mean about 500$ XD


I’m about to finish my first game in Unity. It’s a small game, and I don’t expect to make much if any off of it. But I’m learning about how to make a game and what goes into making a game. I’m especially learning about how gaining the experience is what matters most, especially in the first games you build.
Thank you for the reassurance Thomas! 😄


Loved this. Thanks for keeping it real, Mr. Brush!


As always, great advice. I'm in the baby stages of my first, post college game. My expectations have just been justified from watching your video... Maybe pick up some pocket change, but make something to add to my portfolio, something that can show me that I can take a game from inception to release, and have it be a learning tool to make better games in the future.

What you do in this channel is so great for the game development community as a whole.

Thank you

Edit: grammar errors..


I actually really needed to hear this! Right now my game development progress has taken a huge blow because my motherboard fried and since then I've just been watching videos and stuff on my work laptop until I save up the scratch to get new parts (not allowed to produce on my work laptop as any intellectual property that is produced on it will automatically belong to my employer). This really helped to put it into perspective for me, I've been thinking that I would release a game and then open a studio and start my game studio career but this video helped me to realize that I've got a lot of work to do. I currently hate my job and am very miserable, making games is a fun process for me and I think I put too much pressure on the game to bring me into a career that I enjoy, so I suppose the best thing for me is to have fun with it as a hobby until I can actually produce something that can make me some money, I mean it's fun anyway so why not just treat it like a hobby for now and get serious about it later?

In short... thank you... I really needed to hear this!


Being in the learning stage what I've realised by watching your and others' videos is that one just simply needs to finish small projects instead focusing on the success.


"the first game you will realize ..."
"This is you, your in a pile of poop"


God thats a good quote for beginners, "I wasn't making games for money, I was making games because I wanted to."


Honestly, hearing my first game is probably going to flop helps a lot. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so of course I want something I put a lot of time into to do well, but realistically, I have to build myself up before I really start seeing money.


I hate to think that my idea wont make money and wont do well, but the anxiety for getting started on something that i dont have all the knowledge for yet is kiling my drive to create the project in the first place. I trust and thank you for you advice maybe the push i need to just get started with doing projects so i can actually gather the knowledge that i need


I keep getting back to my first big project every year, but I've never felt super serious about finishing it till this year. Hopefully I can afford to make time to get that done because my skills are so much better now and I genuinely feel like I'm capable of releasing something I'll be proud of in the future (:


Wonderful video, inspired me to start this long journey into creating games. I understood that I shouldn't dive straight into the boss fight, but focus more on "character development". Thanks Thomas, +1 :D


thank you for video and insight! It was informative! ❤️
