History Teacher's First Reaction to PragerU | A Short History of Slavery

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After many recommendations, Mr. Terry reacts to PragerU for the first time. In this video, Candace Owens discusses a short history of Slavery. What will Mr. Terry think?


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What do you think of PragerU? Is it a channel I should cover more? Do you think their brief history of slavery was fair?


We were taught this way back in the 60s, in my village school. Keeping people ignorant keeps the racism going.


She wasn’t referring to only the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. And “They” refers to the U.S. educations system. Slavery outside of the U.S. was never addressed in any class I took growing up in California.


I know it is hard to believe as an educator. But too many young adults who came through the American public school system don't know this. Most can't name 5 countries in Asia, Africa, or South America. It's sad. Great reaction video, though!


I'm glad that you have worked in a successful educational environment. Now please watch some other 1st time reaction videos. See how much of this is new information to those reactors. Not all schools are doing a good and complete job.


A while back NPR said that there are teachers who are umcomfortable teaching the history of US slavery in schools, or teaching books like Tom Sawyer. It's weird to me that some teachers don't feel comfortable being objective. I haven't seen it in school as a student, but I have seen it in debate groups on line. It's just really weird.


She completely ignored Darius and Xerxes. Darius I instituted a lot of reforms, which included banning the slave trade in the Persian empire. Xerxes the Great expanded on his father's reforms, which included completely outlawing the practice of slavery and sending those who were enslaved back to their country of origin.


When they refer to "whites ending slavery" they are referring to the fact that Britain, parts of europe and the US banded together to stop slave trading around the world. The slave trade as an open market was ended BUT we still have illicit slavery to this day all over the world. Specifically in the middle east and the America's. It is to say that our countries were the first to formally end it through laws and action.


I didn't learn about Slavery until I was in my 8th grade year. My first introduction to slavery was centered solely of Slavery in the US and was solidified by watching Roots as class assignment. Until that point, the only reason that I knew that slaves existed before the US was because of movies and religious conversations about Hebrew slaves in Egypt. Even when discussing the Greek and Roman empires in Highschool, the fact that slaves were kept was obfuscated behind more peaceful verbiage such as incorporating them into their culture or ruling over the conquered civilizations. If schools are still what they were 20 years ago, which be all accounts I have heard they are worse now, I wouldn't be surprised that someone even from my time in school would be surprised by what was said in this video.


They said the British Empire was the first country to abolish slavery in 1833 but other countries had already abolished it by that date. For example Mexico, where slavery was abolished in 1825.


In the UK we learn about slavery all throughout history so we’re well aware of slavery not just being an “American issue”, but in my school at least the most focus seems to be on the Trans-Atlantic slave trade because of just how horrific and how large a scale it was, as well as having British involvement. We do however put a lot of focus in our history lessons on periods like Ancient Egypt for example, so we’re exposed to the idea of slavery in other areas and time periods too.


The context to keep in mind is that the “they” you ask about is “The 1619 Project” — which is why she started with “slavery didn't begin in 1619”.


I went to a high school in 3rd ward Houston. We were literally taught there that Europeans invented slavery. That's something my teacher said. We didn't have to do any white guilt bs, that was a few years after my high school career, but inner city schools hire really good athletics coaches and activist teachers.


I love how she mentions the thirteenth amendment as an amazing example of white folk abolishing slavery, yet never once mentions that the thirteenth amendment explicitly says that it's legal to use prisoners as slaves. Interesting omission, that...


When I was in college 10 years ago I did meet people who thought that slavery was invented in 1492.


It blows my mind when I see people react to Thomas Sowell’s history of slavery. There are people out there that really don’t know.


16:00. About the ‘2x more slaves than ever came to the US’, I think she is talking abo ur modern slavery overall - or the “higher estimates” she didn’t actually say. In reality there are around 50 million slaves today, and that is far far more than ever we’re in the transatlantic slave trade, which was around 12 million if I’m not mistaken


I never heard a history teacher speak of slavery in school. Everything I learned I learned on my own in school libraries or books at home.


I get the feeling that Prager U is not an accredited university.


9:25 - Italians were interbred and are part "black" as they were conquered by the Moors, which, sadly, isn't really taught at all in our schools.
