KTaNE: Mayhem Tutorial [ENG]

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Hello, this is a tutorial on a solo module called Mayhem.
This module can also be solved by experts but the usual way is to put everything on defuser regarding this module, at least from my experience.
I recorded this tutorial on my laptop and that's why the game is so laggy, the layout is different and my voice is a bit weird. I wanted to try it and will see if I continue with it or always wait my main desktop PC. What do you think about the quality of the video?
If you like the video, please leave a like or a comment and if you want more of such content, consider subscribing. ^^

Ahoj, dneska se podíváme na sólo modul jménem Mayhem. Ve videu mluvím anglicky.
Pokud se vám video líbí, dejte like, napište komentář a dejte odběr. ^^ Děkuji.


Enjoy the video. :)

Želvík / Tortoise

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