Do I EVER Eat Junk Food? Maintaining Low-Carb Weight Loss

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I am often asked if I EVER eat junk food or pasta or bread or let myself have any high-carb treats. The short answer is yes, I do…Now that I am at the stage of maintaining my weight. But it hasn’t always been that way. I have been producing videos since 2012. This is a video topic I have never covered on YouTube before. So, here we go!


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Disclaimer: Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991. Her use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Gillaspy was a licensed chiropractor in Pennsylvania, but she no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Gillaspy and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Dr Becky Fitness LLC and Dr. Rebecca Gillaspy, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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I am doing keto. Have lost 35 pounds since May 18th. I am 67 and was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. I go for blood work next month, and I am sure I will be in remission. You are an inspiration. Was up above 200 pounds and now holding at 165 lbs. I like your common sense approach to maintaining my weight and health. We are not robots and need to enjoy life without sabotaging our diet.


I'd have people ask me why I'd spend 3.00 on a brownie or cookie or whatever at a deli once in a while but I could bake it cheaper....true, but I don't want a dozen brownies in house or cookies. A slice of cake, many times shared, is easier for me than baking one.


Dr. Becky, you are a rock star. All that you share is so helpful. Coming up on 3 years of maintenance of 20 pounds lost, moreover, emotional eating has/is fading and I now honor my health in many ways. Recently travelled to Europe . Knew I would eat pasta, gelato and paella. I did not overdo, and enjoyed it. Returned home, tightened up my regular, low carb, organic, homemade, delicious regime and am maintaining my weight. Little spikes are now momentary, and I am not punishing but enjoying my life. My physical and emotional health is better. I will eat pain au chocolate when in Paris, just not 17 of them! I am confident, flexible and happy in maintenance; no more yo yo and on with living! Thanks for you do!


Unlike my other 2 diets, I’m really worrying about maintenance, don’t want to climb back up a 3rd time. Thanks for this video, there isn’t enough out there on maintenance.


Thank you so much for this video, I wanted to ask you about this myself. I started a no sugar, no refined carbs way of eating in May and went from 114lbs. to 98 lbs and my body fat went from 25% to 20%. My doctor doesn’t want me to lose any more weight, and I said “well, I’m not going to go back to eating sugar!” ( I was terribly addicted to it, it ruled my life). Now I try to eat a bit more calories so I don’t lose any more weight. I do allow some treats, but oh man, once I have a treat I just want more …it’s real. I feel SO much better eating real, whole food. I’m so glad I found your channel ❤


I photograph many weddings a year. Wedding cake is my absolute favorite. However, I never allow myself to eat it because I am at weddings too many times a year. That’s one of my boundaries.


I love idea of planning ahead to eat a treat. Dr. Becky had suggested this to me when Easter was coming up this year. We are Italian and we have so many traditional 'fun' foods and I was worried about how I would resist them. She told me to plan ahead and picking only 1 or 2 of them ahead of time to plan on eating. I found myself feeling like a kid waiting for Christmas! I was excited about knowing the treat I was going to have in the near future and I stuck to only one or two but the best part is that I truly enjoyed them because of the anticipation and the fact that I kept the promise to myself and didn't go overboard.


Junk food was a friend of mine, but thanks to your videos i have
Installed boundaries to what i eat by watching my carbs and portions how much i consume.


Thank you for this video Dr. Becky. I completely understand why you are reluctant to share that you do treat yourself now and then but so happy to hear you do! I’ve suffered from IBS most of my life but since following your diet and following your intermittent diet book ( FANTASTIC AND LIFE CHANGING!), I’ve lost my, menopausal belly fat at 67 and my IBS is so much better! I do occasionally eat my old favorite food group ~ chips and salsa ~ but I get back to proper eating for myself right away. I don’t always feel as well after eating it though which makes sense and gives me pause. Thank you!


Dr. Becky thank you for this presentation. Love you sharing openly your vulnerability in this video. For me, it's all or nothing: as soon as sugar hits my mouth all I want is more. A slice of homemade chocolate cake with a glass of milk lead to piece #2 and even piece #3 with more milk. Walla, I've now consumed over 1000 empty calories. So after 7 months of next to no sugar, I will have to say, NO to sugar. This strategy is working for me. I feel free of my sugar addiction for the first time in my life turning 63 this month (Oct). You've been an excellent teacher, guider and supporter over these 7 months. Without your teaching guidance, I would not have made it this far losing 40 lbs. My goal is to be at 150. 10 lbs to go. I'm a 5ft 8inch male. Thanks again for your teaching and supporting videos. Very grateful for you and Keith. Blair


Just started keto diet last week. Watch your videos all the time. Coincidentally, I spotted you driving on the highway yesterday on my way to visit a friend the lake. ( your vanity plate gave you away!)
Small world.
Thanks for your videos, they are super helpful.


Thank you for the reminders about boundaries. I needed to hear it again about special versus ordinary. Now if only I can get my husband to understand this concept.


Portion size of ‘treats’ comes into play. I no longer eat a two inch wedge of cake or a four inch slice of pie! However on special occasions I will take a 1/2 inch slice of cake or a two inch slice of pie. But at the same time if I do eat a treat, I don’t each an 8 inch slice of focaccia! Balance!!


This could be such a slippery slope .... for me, allowing traditional Thanksgiving fare back in opened the door to a descent in return of 25 of my 44 lb weight loss. I discovered I am a carb addict. Best for me to totally stay away. Especially since my husband isn't on my plan and the products are still in my home. Finally, I'm back on track, but much slower progress this time around.


Another awesome video 👏👏👏. I’m at this stage now and I don’t feel like I’m on a diet. IF and low carb are just my way of life. If I eat too many carbs, my body immediately lets me know. Since I broke my sugar addiction I don’t want to go back. There are so many great options available now for an occasional treat. My favorite is the Clio Greek yogurt bars and dark chocolate ❤


Definitely one of the best videos I've seen on weight loss. I love the 'special / ordinary' strategy. It's a game changer.


You nailed it Becky - make the sugary, high carb foods 'special' and not 'ordinary'.


Nope, not me. I can’t be flexible where sugar is concerned. One small bite and I am like a kid in a sweet shop.I’ll devour the whole cake with just one small taste and then go on to hunt down anything remotely sweet. It’s my poison so I avoid it. A No 🎂or 🍯 or sugar zone here .Sadly.


I am doing keto since May 23, from 122kg to 97kg now, doing mostly IF with 1MAD and it changed my life as a male 56 and 1, 80m height. My goal is 86kg and for the first time it seems possible!

Tonight I had a pasta with Cozze, mussels and amazing Italian dish (I live in Bavaria and Italy is just three hours drive away) and the dish was gorgeous. I also had a glass of Italian white wine and seriously enjoyed the meal! Instant memories of the vacations in San Felice Circeo! Yumm!

However, tomorrow I am back to 2MAD with a meat based dinner and continue my weight loss journey. I think it is important every so often to allow yourself a special treat. And todays dinner was special.
On keto, I enjoy so much the amazing feeling of energy, and also the hunger sensation when coming towards the third part of my daily 23/1 IF.
Eating pasta and bread and potatoes and rice on a daily basis is not what I want anymore, it makes me feeling slow sluggish tired.
And I love that I fit into my jeans from 2011 for crying out loud! Incanting believe it. And Incan see so many health issues disappearing, pain in my knee and spine, neck, skin conditions and the mental clarity is a great motivation.
And of course, videos like this one, to keep me focus on my track! Thank you doc!


Dr. Becky, you've made so many helpful videos, but this one is truly excellent. The distinction between special and ordinary is gold.
