How Tesla Spends NOTHING On Advertising

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How does he do it? What's the hack? Today we're looking at how Elon Musk manages to keep Tesla at the forefront of the market while spending $0 on paid advertising.

Many of the people are asking me how to market or how to grow business without spending any dollar. It's not impossible because we have many ways to market our products, service, or promote a business organic way without any ads. Let's watch this entire video where I explain how to market online without ads and the secret to Elon Musk's zero dollar marketing.

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Thanks for answering my question Sabri!


His showing truth and lies spread quickly thats why this video didnot get attention
This person is honest


✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 Was super helpful. Reasoning from first principles and the bigger picture. It’s about attention


Well, I think that the current strategy already are disrupting the advertising industry. The fact is that Tesla ARE advertising. Not in the way they think you should. Let me explain.

Every time when Tesla brings out a new product video it gets lapped up by thousands of content creators on all the different platforms to use in their videos. I have seen many such videos playing while news are being presented. When you aired the video of the Cybertruck, Munro had a video discussing in detail what they saw from that short video. 500k views.

At investor days the presentation get shown over and over as a backdrop. This goes way beyond just the EV's. What I have not seen much of is the solar side of the business...

Tesla could formulate a different strategy regarding advertising: make product videos on what a Tesla company/vehicles can do. Elon tweets it out with the news of a new video released, it allow content creators to download it from Tesla's site with a "Fair Usage" agreement box ticked.

When presentation are done, have a voice over done on the presentation to put in information that you missed when you did the presentation, etc.

Then allow the content creators to do their thing. Billions of views. Cost to Tesla - video production cost.

No need to show a 30sec stupid video of a truck driving through the mud with a half naked women trying to sell the car. What value did that bring?

The marketing/"advertising" video can be as long as you want it to be and be viewed even inside a Tesla infotainment system. Isn't that neat, a Tesla advertising itself inside a Tesla.


#haysabri *What* is the way to market education based physical products which has great values for youngsters to develop. Because today's generation's youngsters are lacking patience in *self improvement* .


#HeySabri Admire you very much. Thank you for such massive value always. I'm in the beginning stages of launching a customer acquisition agency and your book has been a PHENOMENAL help. Again thank you and I hope someday I will be able to shake your hand. God bless you!


#HEYSABRI How does incentives work for You employees/ team in Kingkong?


you are a marketer and your channel is dead nice
