PART 1 - 5 best part-time jobs for retirees
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Retirement doesn’t necessarily mean quitting the workforce altogether.
In fact, so many of our clients and students thrive while working in retirement, especially if it’s part-time AND aligned with your new identity and sense of purpose as an older adult or senior in retirement.
Watch today’s Part 1 video for the first half of our list of the best part-time jobs for retirees.
Caveat - be sure to gain clarity first before diving into any work commitment. It’s all about having clarity on your ideal retirement, identity, and sense of purpose, etc. before taking on a job.
May our list of best part-time jobs for retirees serve as a starting point for your unique journey.
As always, just reach out if you need help gaining clarity and planning out your dream retirement life.
I’m here to help❣️
Cyn Meyer here with Second Wind Movement, a resource for older adults like you (or someone you care for) that provides education, tools and coaching, so that you live your ideal retirement lifestyle that’s active, healthy, engaged and full of purpose.
We focus on five main areas of life, the 5 Rings of Retirement:
✅ Growth
✅ Community
✅ Health
✅ Giving Back
✅ Finance
So that you can get the most out of this important stage of life and help the future you age successfully in place.
In fact, so many of our clients and students thrive while working in retirement, especially if it’s part-time AND aligned with your new identity and sense of purpose as an older adult or senior in retirement.
Watch today’s Part 1 video for the first half of our list of the best part-time jobs for retirees.
Caveat - be sure to gain clarity first before diving into any work commitment. It’s all about having clarity on your ideal retirement, identity, and sense of purpose, etc. before taking on a job.
May our list of best part-time jobs for retirees serve as a starting point for your unique journey.
As always, just reach out if you need help gaining clarity and planning out your dream retirement life.
I’m here to help❣️
Cyn Meyer here with Second Wind Movement, a resource for older adults like you (or someone you care for) that provides education, tools and coaching, so that you live your ideal retirement lifestyle that’s active, healthy, engaged and full of purpose.
We focus on five main areas of life, the 5 Rings of Retirement:
✅ Growth
✅ Community
✅ Health
✅ Giving Back
✅ Finance
So that you can get the most out of this important stage of life and help the future you age successfully in place.