🎹Chord & Lyrics, Beethoven Day, Andrew Lippa, Synthesia Piano

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♫ Synthesia Piano Tutorial, Chord & Lyrics: Beethoven Day, Andrew Lippa
♫ Arranged by WishPiano

* Lyrics
Call the prin ci pal and hand him the news,
If you’re won der ing, “Now, how do we start?”
We’ve got a hol i day that he can’t re fuse.
Just blow the mu sic till you know it by heart!
A day of har mo ny A day of mu sic: Bee tho ven’s birth day! Bee tho ven Day! A rev er en tial mis sion.
We’re gon na cel e brate, We’ll throw a par ty, Bee tho ven’s birth day! Bee tho ven Day! And when you state the ti tle,
Bee tho ven Day! The hope of each mu si cian,
Bee tho ven Day! You hear a great re ci tal.
No more am I the on ly guy To stand up and say: Hoo ray,
The right of ev ’ry boy and girl To stand up and say: Hoo ray,
Bee tho ven,
Bee tho ven,
Hoo ray!
Hoo ray!
Call the prin ci pal and hand him the news,
If you’re won der ing, “Now, how do we start?”
We’ve got a hol i day that he can’t re fuse.
Just blow the mu sic till you know it by heart!
A day of har mo ny A day of mu sic: Bee tho ven’s birth day! Bee tho ven Day! A rev er en tial mis sion.
We’re gon na cel e brate, We’ll throw a par ty, Bee tho ven’s birth day! Bee tho ven Day! And when you state the ti tle,
Bee tho ven Day! The hope of each mu si cian,
Bee tho ven Day! You hear a great re ci tal.
No more am I the on ly guy To stand up and say: Hoo ray,
The right of ev ’ry boy and girl To stand up and say: Hoo ray,
Bee tho ven,
Bee tho ven,
Hoo Bee tho ven Day! Bee tho ven Day! Bee tho ven Day! Bee tho ven Day! Bee tho ven Day ay ay,
hey yay ay! Bee tho ven Day! A phil har mon ic rum ble,
Bee tho ven Day! A pol y phon ic jum ble.
A hum ble ded i ca tion as we stand up and say: Hoo ray,
Bee tho ven,
Hoo ray! Let’s im a gine it,
that glo ri ous hour.
Filled with e mo tion,
yet in spir ed with pow’r.
When we all hon or the man we a dore.
On the day we place the new est face On Mount Rush mo ore! Bee tho ven Day! A mo ment of re flec tion.
Bee tho ven Day! A clas si cal in ject tion! So fac ing this di rec tion we be gin it to day,
A mu si cal col lec tion ev ’ry bod y can play.
The right of ev ’y boy and girl to stand up and say: Hoo ray,
Bee tho ven,
Hoo ray! Hoo ray!

♫ Andrew Lippa Piano Tutorial
♫ Andrew Lippa Chord
♫ Andrew Lippa Lyrics
♫ Andrew Lippa Subtitle
♫ How to play Beethoven Day
♫ Beethoven Day Piano Chords
♫ Beethoven Day Piano Easy
♫ Beethoven Day Piano Difficult
♫ Beethoven Day Piano Cover
♫ Beethoven Day Piano Remix
♫ Beethoven Day Piano Tutorial
♫ Beethoven Day Notes
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♫ Beethoven Day Academy Piano
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