Exploring Panpsychism and the Fundamental Nature of Reality with Dr. James Madden (Episode 230)

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#JamesMadden #panpsychism
What is panpsychism? How does it relate to the UFO phenomenon? Who are panpsychism's leading adherents? How is this related to the emergence of artificial intelligence? What other philosophies seek to understand the greater reality? Find out as Sean Patrick Hazlett meets with philosopher, Dr. James Madden.


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Dr. James Madden is originally from Wisconsin, and did his graduate work at Kent State (MA, 1998) and Purdue (Ph.D., 2002). Jim Madden has taught at Benedictine since 2003, and lives with his family in Atchison, Kansas. He was awarded the Benedictine College Distinguished Educator of the Year Award in 2006. He lives in Atchison with his wife (Jennifer) and they have six children; William, Martha, Patrick, Brendan, Jack, and Cormac.

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I admit I get frustrated with philosophers and am not as well read in that area as I should be. Appreciate the favs questions especially! More reading 😅


great to see the channel grow from under 1K when found it to now. deservedly so as the content and quality is outstanding. well done sean 👏


Every time I watch one of your videos my thinker goes crazy! Great work!

So consciousness being fundamental seems very simple if we define consciousness as the force that animates or the fluctuation that exists when a particle is taken to absolute zero. The zero point field. In that sense everything is conscious and this fluctuation seems to exist in both the Particle AND wave. When stacked together, grater levels of awareness are the result. Looking at the cosmos through this lense really simplified things for me. What do u guys think about this?


We look to organs as proof of the self [moral platitude] however all that truly exists (though transient as laylines) is a nervous system of rate propagation signals.
A model infers a We also look for a nucleus or center. The electric universe model at least postures itself as to pay due diligence to this [universal truth].
