Do Inquisitors break the rule of two? #starwars #sith

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Sith are always setting up back up plans in case their current apprentices fail and die, and a lot of apprentices eventually end up training their own students on the sly to help them overthrow their masters. The rule of two is simply a matter of title, how much knowledge one is privy to, and being a proactive participant in the Sith master plans instead of just a puppet.


You can wield the dark side and not be a Sith. "Sith" has a lot more meaning than that.


They are not Sith. The Inquisitors don't even follow the Sith Code.
They're just force users for the Empire.


The sith is a belief, there is a difference between having dark side training and then there's... The Sith. You don't get to be a sith without the deepest connection to the dark side, even as a Sith apprentice.
For example, Darth Maul was not trained to be a true sith lord by Sidious, only a sith assassin like Ventress until the time was right, even Darth Plagues knew about Maul, just not as a potential apprentice to Sidious. When Darth Sidious took the title of dark lord from Darth Plagues he was about to train him fully until he got cut in half


The Sith are a clan. They do not own the dark side, just as the Jedi do not own the light side


Being a dark side wielder makes you just about as much of a sith as just wielding non dark force makes you a jedi. Its a faction you don't just automatically become one.


Ok so rule of 2 is actually this: The MASTER can only train 1 SITH APPRENTICE but the APPRENTICE can train however many needed since he is not THE MASTER. The master is designed to be the mind while the apprentice is a tool. The trick is that apprentice can and should become more than a tool through experience and his/her training by their own means. This is why the apprentice can and should try the master to replace them by whatever means necessary. The master also knows this which is why until the apprentice accepts the role they are lured in like friend and mentor treatment while after they are slowly degraded into a glorified slave.


The knights of ren where darkside force users (to an extent) and whernt sith


The Inquisitors in Legends were so much cooler, they were actually a threat, rather than just little wannabes they don't know how to use a lightsaber, but even then they could still be defeated


Rule of 2 made the sith more of a philosophy. Yes the inquisitors and characters like starkiller have been given sith martial and force training but dont truly experience the sith philosophy. That being said the rule of 2 is an impossible ask for sith, by nature they break rules and go their own way. If any sith actually managed to perpetuate the rule of 2 after bane created it i doubt theyd be true sith


Well bane stated one of the reasons for only having 2 sith is because the more dark side users there were the more it was distributed. Therefore it woukd be in violation of his idea of the rule of 2 because he would never allow that


Being a DS force wielder doesn't automatically make one a Sith. I think the idea of Inquisitors is kinda lame, but they don't break the rule of two.


Arguing this is dumb, Inquisitors are not trained to be Sith they're trained to embrace the dark side but are not trained in any other way. That's like saying tomatos and cucumber are vegetables because they both go in salads. Yes they're similar enough and fit nicely in salad but fundamentally they're different. Inquisitors are not taught how to use the darkside only to embrace it. So it's like having a PS5 and only using it to stream Netflix, yeah you got a console but you're not a console gamer.


A Sith is much more than a dark side force wielder. They are the embodiment of a philosophy. Sith believe in the acquisition of power by any means. They use their emotions to fuel the dark side by they are nnot a slave to them. A Sith will learn to control their anger so they can focus it through a lense to deepen their connection to the dark side and at times so that they can supress it in the moment to gain a greater advantage. They sow chaos only when necessary to achieve a greater stratagem or to increase their own power. Anything that weakens them is considered almost disgusting to a Sith. A true Sith is willing to kill their own children or lover or parent to deepen their power. Simply having a red lightsaber and being shown how to use it and wield the dark side by a Sith Lord in no way means you are also a Sith. You have to accept and embrace the philosophy of a Sith to truly be Sith and at the point you do that you can access and learn powers of the dark side available only to a Dark Lord of the Sith. It is this philosophy that makes a Sith not just an enemy of the jedi but the antithesis of a Jedi.


Its not breaking the rule of 2 cuz the inquisitors are not sith. Also almost every sith since the founding of the rule of 2 has broken it with a secret apprentice even sidious who had maul. The inquisitors were more indoctrinated than trained.


No of course he didn't name Boba, Boba was 13


The rule of two didn't really matter to the last couple sith of the bane line. aside from the inquisitors, Dooku had ventless, Palpatine had maul while apprentice to Plagueos, and plagueos's master had two apprentices at the same time


Maul was a sith assassin and not an apprentice


inquisitors are sith but not part of the rule of 2 they are a different group similiar to the grey jedi who dont count as sith. plus before the rule of 2 theyre were tons of sith and before that a race called the Sith


The simplest way to explain it is an inquisitor is a dark side job, Sith is a dark side religion.
