I Cracked the Code on 'Law of Attraction' As A Muslim

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Disclaimer: I am NOT a scholar, sheikh, imam, scientist, advisor, priest, rabbi, doctor, financial advisor… ANY OF THOSE. I’m just a guy who’s learning (just like you) and sharing what I’m learning and doing with you.
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SubhanAllah I have saved this to my ‘Must Watch Reminders’. Please like so that I can rewatch again and again inshAllah.


Here you go, some gold nuggets in the video:

- Being watched - Awareness
- Forget the mind - set the goal in the heart
- Don't limit yourself
- The more you want something, the less likely you’ll get it
- The more you desire something the less likely you’ll get it( when we desire something intensely, we may perceive it as magnificent, whereas nothing surpasses the magnificence of Allah, therefore, Allah may not grant us that particular desire )
- relax, I mean it, relax bro..
- “as you start to walk on the way, the way appears”


On my journey of healing and self love I was researching and studying. I found Islam and when I learned about the teachings and pilars it felt like Allah had guided me towards him. My first Ramadan 2024 as a Muslim I started to really understand the meaning of Taqwa. Its a peace that Allah has blessed us with. Your so right about Allah being GREATER than any thing here on Earth, so we shouldnt limit our potencial. My goal is between me and Allah, Inshallah 🤲


Step 1 Taqwa

Step 2 Forget The Mind Use your heart (The goal would come effortlessly)

Step 3 Don't Limit (And don't think this life too big) The more you want something the less likely you get it

Step 4 Live the goal like it's already done (Allah is as the servant thinks)

Step 5 Surrender, Don't Resist, Just Relax


Step 1 - Activate your Taqwa 1:05

Step 2 - What do you really want? (Use your heart to decide not the mind) 6:05

Step 3 – Never think the goal is unachievable 9:26

Step 4 - Live the goal like it's already done 14:14

Step 5 - Surrender, Don't Resist 17:22


Habibi I want to thank you. Everytime I watch your video, I feel like my deen & taqwa gets stronger


1. Don't react to anything emotional - maintain Taqwa (Allah is always watching you)
2. Ask your heart what you really want
3. The more you want something less likely you'll get it so, u think less of it and think it's easy too achieve. The goal is nothing.
4. Live like the goal has already happened

Don't force. Just surender and let it come to you.


I was just praying and crying right now, all of a sudden my heart filled with doubts and I screamed “God! Are you listening to me? Yes I am praying and telling you about all my problems, but are you listening to me?” Then I stopped praying and paused, feeling all alone.
Then I opened YouTube and this video came to my recommendation 😭 how crazy!! God told me through this video that he is looking at me 24/7, listening to me, and will give me what I need!
Love you so much my Allah ❤


The title is fact.. this man has indeed cracked the code on life, my research and knowledge on the matter confirms this mentality, so I’m definitely with this! I applaud you brother, well done! 👏 👏 👏


The key to succes is prayer "hayyā `alā-l-falāh"


Bro is back with a mic in close up and his favourite background 😅 bro literally concentrates on providing context and content, rather than any meaningless showoff


coming across this TODAY!!! this is a duah answered wallahi <3, love your videos so glad i found this channel barakallahu feek


You have no idea how much you’ve helped me through your contents bro. You're literally a Gem. May Allah protect you and provide you with all the blessings and rizq that you deserve. 💚💚


this video may have actually just altered my brain chemistry. when u actually start to to think of the word 'ALLAHHUAKBAR', it has so much depth SubhanAllah, Allah swt is The Greatest. He is The most merciful, The most forgiving and HE gives in abundance. like if u make Duaa, with ur heart, having genuine and sincere faith, Wallahi, consider it done. because for Allah, nothing is impossible. If u believe its gonna happen, IT WILL. thats why we say Allahhuakbar, because Allah is greater than us, and whatever our heart desires, SubhanAllah!


Masha Allah
Am from Nigeria. Brother thank you for all ur videos


WAllah your videos are more expensive then gold and diamonds in my eyes thank you man and May Allah keep you on the straight path


Bro... this video is just pure gold. Thanks man


Thank you so much for this brother. I realized that I often view life itself as a big barrier that I couldn't pass through. And how often I forgot that Allahuakbar, is not just a word but a fact that I have to hold greatly in my heart and mind (Astaghfirullah). Life is big, but Allah is the biggest. Life is great, and Allah IS the greatest.


I want to comment on the part where you say ask through your thoughts and this is really true and expereinced it yesterday.So ramadhan was a month full of night prayers and it was difficult for me to sleep at night instead i slept daytime and by the end of Ramadhan my sleep cycle was interfered with.Last night as i finished praying maghrib i sat down and just thought it would be so nice if my sleep cycle was back to normal.Because i was fed up with sleeping daytime.And guess what after praying Ishaa i slept like a baby even though I slept the whole day it is logical to say that i would not sleep at night.But again it comes back to asking with your thoughts.Allahu Akbar


I can't thank you enough for this reminder and beautiful perspective ❤ جزاك الله خيراً
