Martins Licis talks ligament strength and staying INJURY FREE

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these should get a lot more attention, superb insights from martins


Fantastic advice
Definitely noticed this, started heavy and had alot of tendon/ligament pain
Reduced weight and increased reps and now feel much better overall
Its about the long game


I did calisthenics and light weights with higher reps for 3 years. Nutrition, sleep, and form on point. Took care of stabilizers. Did everything right and still developed degenerative tendonosis of shoulder and bicep tendons.
This is much worse then a tear or rupture as it never wants to heal. I ammon month 20 and am still no where near 100% . I may never be again.
Did every physical therapy program. Hired 2 different coaches, seen specialists, sports medicine professionals, had stem cell treatment with multiple billions of cells along with a PRP cocktail, pep tide injections, etc. I threw away over $14, 000 for nothing.
I found some movements that are s -l - o - w - l -y getting my tendons stronger. But I still have a long road ahead of me and I'm getting older.
I have been a life long surfer and athlete. Never been out of shape in my life and still got snapped up.
In the end you can do everything right but injury still could happen. I regret ever starting to train because I was already in excellent shape and chiseled from surfing all my life.
I started training to gain a little more mass and strength. And because all I have ever heard was how important it is for older men to train.
Big mistake for me. It brought me more muscle and a lot of strength. But it wasn't worth the hell I have been through.
Being injured for so long created mental health problems as well as some problems with alcohol due to the hopelessness.
If you are in good shape and are thinking about lifting, consider the risks over reward.


I’ve been so injury prone throughout my life. I’ve hurt myself so many times through improper form or just trying to push too hard when I needed to rest. I wish there were more sources for proper form and injury prevention when I was younger. Thanks for the information, it’s probably important for people to hear the worlds strongest man talking about how the goal isn’t to just lift as much as possible every single workout.


It's so weird to see him talk normally, after i only saw him kinda "in character" for weeks now in his videos ^^


You should write books on the issue. I love that stuff. MARTIIINS!!!


This seems like solid advice. I’ve heard so many contradictory tips from strong lifters when it comes to tendon strength. It’s hard for people do put it all together. Some say really heavy super compensation work in a static or partial rep style is the key. Some say fast light band work while not fighting the negative/eccentric because that’s more for muscle damage than tendon strength, but others say going too fast is too high impact on the joints, etc.


man martins understanding of the anatomy is awesome! he preaches proper health. Martins is my favourite Strongman


Articulte and informative, the sport needs more of Martins Licis and the like.


Of course I see this right after I tore one of my shoulder ligaments


Brilliant question about tendons and ligaments, brilliant answer


Good stuff as always from Martins. You should do a series of videos on all these subjects that we don't see any strongmen talking about


The thinking Man, very shrewd analysis of your health and fitness. I am impressed by your focus, perhaps you share it more then other Strong Men but I feel you are one of the brightest.


Good advice. I'm not in strong man, but a sport that puts a ton of strain on joints. What he says is informative and aligns with what I've researched before.


amazing how the world works, i've been having tendon pain in my elbows from overwork and have been wondering how to correct this as i move forward and then this video comes across my dash. Thanks do much champ it was a pleasure watching you at the arnold and i hope to watch you live again!


Thanks for the tips especially about the shoulders. Im 4 years in from a bad shoulder injury. Finally overhead pressing again. Thanks to Jeff at athleanx and you guys for the motivation.


I had to quit squatting as I was developing problems in my legs, and back. Recently I had the idea that perhaps I should lift at high reps to increase durability of my connective tissues. Thank you for this video to confirm that my thinking was on the right path.


Came across very intelligent and likeable. A realistic career in presenting if he wanted it after his strongman days are done.


Do your shoulder external rotation warm up. Intro to Literally every video on Martins channel. LOL.


I had a learning experience trying to rush into powerlifting. My knees really took a beating from squats. Also I screwed up working overnight and then getting off work going straight to the gym 🤦🏿‍♂️ it took my literally 3yrs to be able to squat again. I don’t high bar or low bar squat. I do ssb, camber bar squats, box squats, pin squats (kinda like the strongman style) I wear 9mm knee sleeves and wraps. My knees are loving it lol
