Catacomb 3-D in 4K with CatacombGL - predecessor to Wolfenstein 3D - Playing good MS-DOS games 19

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(English below) Gameplay de Catacomb 3-D, juego de acción en primera persona de temática fantástica desarrollado por id Software y lanzado en 1991. Se trata del antecesor del mítico Wolfenstein 3D.

Me pregunté si, al igual que ocurre con otros clásicos de id Software, existiría un source port para este juego que nos permita jugarlo en HD y Windows 11 con control moderno, en vez de tener que usar DOSBox, y así es, se trata de CatacombGL desarrollado por ArnoAnsems, y permite jugar a tosos los juegos de la saga Catacombs. Yo lo juego con el pack de dicha saga que se vende en GOG.


Gameplay of Catacomb 3-D, a fantasy themed first person shooter developed by id Software and released in 1991. It is the predecessor of the grandfather of FPS, Wolfenstein 3D.

I wondered if, as with other id Software classics, there would be a source port for this game that allows us to play it in HD and Windows 11 with modern control, instead of having to use DOSBox, and so it is, it is CatacombGL developed by ArnoAnsems, and allows to play all the games in the Catacombs saga. I play it with the Catacombs saga pack sold at GOG.

Рекомендации по теме

So cool how you can see parts of Commander Keen being reused in the UI, music and sound effects


O mainstream pouco fala desse jogo, ele é o verdadeiro vovô dos FPS! ✌🏻
