2016 F150 SYNC issues (blank screen)

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From time to time my sync screen/system does not power up. I am hoping others have had this issue and have discovered the solution. If you have please post the fix below. Thanks!
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I just followed the directions some of the people said (scroll down) Hold the Power/Volume button the same time as the far right seek/skip button. It came back on in 3 seconds. As others have said, the KEY is to have the truck OFF. No power on, no key in the ignition. I tried that first from instructions on another video and that didn't work. I found the comments on here and it worked perfectly so thanks to all of those people that replied with this guidance.


So here it is 2021 and I have a 2018 F150 XL 8’ bed with exactly the same problem. It has been into the dealer almost the same number of times and they have replaced one of the major display parts. Obviously FORD is well aware of the issue and for how long it’s been around, unless nobody in that company watches YouTube. Appreciate greatly that you put this up.


Thank you other people have the same problem because i thought i was the only one!!!


FYI I have the same screen as seen here in my 2017 F-150. Today, the screen would come on but you couldn't access any menu functions except clock. My iphone said Bluetooth was connected but couldn't play any music or anything. No phone either.
Tried the fix where you press the volume button and right fast forward button together several times. I did get some message about sending a new sync message but nothing ever happened. i read the comments here and what did it for me was to just inserting a CD. I didn't even have to insert it all the way, just barely put it in and the screen lit up with all sorts of functions. Just hit menu a couple times, then hit media until it found my bluetooth phone music and everything was back to normal. Keeping the CD in the truck from here on.


This happened to me today on my 2018 FX4 XLT. I pressed the volume button with the right media search button together for 5 seconds and it worked. My vehicle was turned off doors closed when I did it. Good luck everyone.


Have a 2016 xlt. This has happened maybe 4 to 5 times in the 1 1/2 years I've had it. Currently screen is black now, hence why I'm here looking for solution.


I experienced this problem with my 2016 Fusion Titanium Energi yesterday. Ford Customer Service tried to fix the problem by having me 1) Turn off tye Bluetooth setting on my phone 2) Turn off the car, 3) Open driver door, 4) Lock doors, 5) Close driver door, 6) Wait 2-3 minutes then start the vehicle. The screen came on for a few seconds, then went black again.
Next, she had me press the Radio On/Off Switch and the Seek Up Arrow at the same time. I got the same result!
I was then referred to my local dealer and their first available appointment is 1/4/2019.
I tried disconnecting the negative battery cable, waiting 30 minutes, reconnecting the cable but that didn't work either.
I pulled the #32 fuse, waited a few minutes, then put it back with no success.
Finally, for no apparent reason, I pulled the #33 Radio Fuse and left it out and now the screen is back on, my bluetooth and navigation work, but of course the radio is not on, If I put the fuse back in, I get the blank screen again.
I'll update as I continue troubleshooting.


Just saw a story out of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (CBC) that a woman there was having the same problems. Ford knows about it, and has apparently come up with a solution that they are passing on to their dealers.
Also saw that if you hit the power button twice, it will usually work (not always though).
I am having the same issue - that's why I'm here.


Just to add to my last statement I was told by the dealer to disconnect battery for ten minutes and it should re- boot. Well it did but who wants to do that every couple months.


I have a 2016 Ford F150 that does this always. I started using a windshield screen to block the direct sun on the dash to see if that helps. So far so good, but I can't guarantee its a solution, it just seemed to happen on very sunny days while out in the parking lot.


This is a recurring issue on my F150 too. I am on my 4th display module in 65, 000 miles. My truck has been in the shop 18 times for this issue. Incredibly frustrating, but still covered under my extended warranty. I've never had so many problems with a new vehicle or the service provided. Hate to say it, but I'm done with Ford.


Fuse panel on passerger side. Check manual for Multi functional display- mine is fuse 32 a 10 amp. Pull and replace.


I have same problem with my 2016. Nice to know I'm not the only one and not possessed lol


I have a 2016 also and this happened to me tonight. At least now I know it has happened to someone else.. now to find the problem!


Press the power/volume button and the far right seek up button together for 3 or so seconds and our 2018 ford f150 reset and came back on. It looks real s o milar to the 2016.


Just had this happen to me. 2018 xtr with 4000k. Was really pissy about it but stopped to get air in the tires and when I turned it back on everything worked. I don't know. This is a basic system...you would think we would have this figured out by now.


My 2016 F150 does the same thing. Got it new and within 10 months it started doing this. Dealer told me it’s just like your home computer sometimes it needs a reboot. I said not this often. But they stuck by their answer


2016 F150 XLT. Just found the fastest way to reset this issue. Someone else posted they installed a CD and it started working. Well I dont have a CD with me, so I tried my debit card. Slid it in halfway and moved it left to right and POOF the Ford logo appeared and the radio came on. (Also, not sure I needed to but turned off my phones bluetooth and disconnected my charging cable from the USB. If it happens again I will try the card first)


I have a 2018 Ford Taurus SHO. I have been documenting the same exact problem for at least 2 years. Eventually my screen comes back on. When I take it to the dealership, they can't duplicate the problem, and they have yet to figure out why my screen is black. Usually my whole center console is black, pushing the buttons for temperature control makes no sound, and I can't tell what's going on with climate control, etc. The next time I experienced the black screen, I will try some of the fixes here.


SOLUTION! Take out the fuse and put it back in (its fuse number 33). Doesn't make sense but it worked
