Herbal Terminology: Actions, Energetics, Flavors & Properties—Oh, My! [Ask an Herbalist Series]

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The study of herbalism isn’t for the lazy! There are a plethora of plants to learn about, not to mention herbal history, how the body works, various global herbal systems and the tools they use, how to assess and match herbs to a condition and a person, and more. And then, there’s the terminology that is used in herbalism. It’s enough to make your head spin!

In this Ask An Herbalist video, Herbal Academy teacher Heather Irvine is going to define and explain some common herbal terms you will see across Herbal Academy courses and blog articles as well as in various books and other herbal resources. These herbal terms can often get confusing until you have a good understanding of them, and hopefully, this month’s video will help you to better understand what they mean and how they are used.

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