Hands-on Data Science Project: Flight Fare Prediction 🌟 | EDA | Machine Learning Model | ML | AI

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Hello Friends, 👋
I am reuploading this because last video was having so much background noises. In this video, I have removed noise from the video, so enjoy the video and let me know in the comment section, if you have any questions.

In this video, I have done data analysis and created an advance machine learning models on Flight Fare Prediction Dataset. Here, I have explained everything from start to end. Please do watch the video and if you have any doubts then let me the know in the comment section.

Notebook Link 👇

00:00 - 00:18 Intro
00:18 - 01:09 Start the Project
01:09 - 02:16 Problem Statement
02:16 - 02:36 Import Libraries
02:36 - 04:36 Load Dataset
04:36 - 06:12 Data Inspection
06:12 - 12:04 EDA
12:04 - 27:35 Feature Engineering
27:35 - 29:22 Check Null Values
29:22 - 30:33 Encoding
30:33 - 32:02 Feature Scaling
32:02 - 36:40 Building ML models
36:40 - 41:47 Hyperparameter Tuning
41:47 - 42:22 Conclusion

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