What happens if you take antibiotics irregularly? - Dr. Sharat Honnatti

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What happens if I misuse my antibiotics that is if I regularly if you are not using or if I overuse it. What is the consequence of it?Yes, definitely there are lot of consequences when you misuse your antibiotics in the sense you are using from the last prescription leftover antibiotics or the current prescription you are not taking timely antibiotics or miss following the antibiotic, you will develop a drug resistance.Drug resistance is a drug which is not effective against bacteria that is against infection. So the treatment and effectiveness will become much more longer, the duration of the treatment becomes longer, the effectiveness of drugs goes down and the cost will become more and illness become more serious, disabling, recovery may be prolonged. In spite of all this it can also be dangerous for the others as bacteria would have mutated for the same drug which will not be effective in the population for the other patients also.
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So I should stop taking them if I missed the last 3 doses


What if we are on 5 day cefurixime antibiotics and. On third day we remeber that we skipped a dose?? Shall we continue??
