Do You Obsess About Your Sexual Orientation?

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I am a lesbian and in a relationship. But I get a lot of intusive thoughts about men and that i will eventually end up with a man. It feels horrible and stressful. And it uses my past because when I was young, I used to force crushes on boys. And my ocd is saying things like: it's just a phase. You're not gay, you have to be bisexual or straight so you have to leave your partner. And i always have to check if im not feeling attracted to men.. It's really hard...


I'm a gay man suffering from this horrible disorder for 3 years now and it's driving me insane. This is the very vid on YT that talks SO-OCD from a gay person's perspective, everywhere else mainly talks about straight people suffering from it. Thank you *tears running down my cheeks


Thank you so much for making this inclusive of gay people with sexual orientation ocd 🙏


I didn't even thought I was straight, but 'cause my ambient tought me that I should be straight, I thought I should act this way. So I "felt in love" with girls, not like we usually felt in love but as an idealization that I got inside to belong with the people around. Then my adolescense came and I got my first sexual atraction and it was with a boy, I got so scared and confused that was the first time I felt like that. I started to stay in denial and try to convince myself I was not gay, but the boys in my class were making jokes and playing between them and what was a play for them, to me was nice and I really liked it, but I couldn't tell them. Then with the pass of the time I get informed (but myself of course) about sexuality and finally accepted myself and stayed happy with me. But after my TOC which I'd had since I was a kido and I didn't even noticed, became harder than ever, and at a point took my sexuality and started to disturb me with it. Now I have intrusive thoughts and feelings in my body, that doesn't identify me, and sometimes I even thought "what If I was just confused and I'm not gay".
But I know one thing, sexuality is not discovered from one day to another; and does not make you feel uncomfortable at the hard anxiety level constantly when you have the things clear (I mean when you know there's no problem being straight, bisexual or another sexuality), I think if those are your really feelings you know deep inside you that you like them otherwise you just feel not identify that way, and they don't make you do compulsions like think about it for minutes, stay repeating you are not something and doing patterns. I wrote these lines based in my experience, hope you all can have better days, it's hard to deal with this, don't give up, and keep your faith alive, there are days and days, but we can stay here for a long time.


I have no clue what my sexuality is right now (or for the last 10 years). I settled on bi, but I’m also not sure. I feel I might be gay or asexual, but I don’t know how to know for sure. Like, there’s no litmus test for sexual orientation. And don’t get me start about trying to figure out my gender sheesh. That’s another ball game. I have to get comfortable with not knowing. But how do I know what attractions are real? How do I know what attraction feels like? Does it feel different with different genders?


How can I tell if I don't like the intrusive sexual thoughts or if I just feel guilty for liking them? I cry when I think I might be gay, does that mean I'm not?


It must horrible to fear that change of sexuality. I have allways been on asexual spectrum. I used to identify as demisexual and bisexual, but I am now identify as asexual (aegosexual and adexsexual to be specific) and demiromantic and biromantic/panromantic, so I experiencing my sexuality have changed abit, but it was that much. I didnt fear that change, even if I start to feel sexual attractions I will not fear it, then it will just become a part of me, just like asexuality is part of me now.

If you have those fears, I hope you will seek help from a psychologist or a psychiatrist.


I don't know how strange it is for a person to be straight their whole life and then you start having attraction to the same sex and the fear that it might just be a temporary thing and you'll eventually go back.


I'm man same thing happened with me
