“Transgenerational Biology” - The Biology of Heritable Memories | Oded Rechavi | TEDxVienna

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“If memories are inherited in humans, it might mean that we have a greater responsibility for our actions because you are affecting multiple generations. …..Regardless of whether memories are inherited (across generations) in humans or not, it is a good idea to act as if it does.” This is profound.


When I was at the University of Waterloo back in the '90s I saw a video of this planaria experiment on a flat table that was wet. An electric current was run through the planaria when the table was lit up, conditioning them to expect a shock every time the table lit up. The naive worms that ate their peers would shrink up in reaction to the table lighting up, even though they had never been shocked. They "learned" from eating their peers.


A lot of us feel and know this, being able to identify and connect to the experiences of our parents, grandparents, etc. This was especially true for me as a child, always feeling so different and disconnected from my surroundings. Thank you for giving this language!


Good talk. Props to the speaker for talking so damn fast it seemed like he gave a 30 min talk in only 13.


Excellent presentation. I hope they dive into this subject more. Fascinating topic.


When my grandmother was pregnant with my mom, she had to hide her pregnancy for as long as she could, and she lived in terror of my grandfather finding out. He did not want children and forced her to unalive three prior pregnancy’s when she told him she was pregnant. My mom grew up fearful of her life, and so did I although I didn’t go through the things that my mother and grandmother did. This video made so much sense wow


Really quite interesting to consider a totally novel mechanism of memory transfer. Can't help but be curious about its limitations and effects more broadly now.


In simplest terms, A good analogy would be; for example, let's say a person has genes ABCD that make up a memory. Genes ABC would be then passed down to the next generation with the missing gene. Now throughout the person's lifetime gene D would be activated or acquired later through experiences and would complete the whole inherent memory.


Impressive and fascinating lecture.
Well done, Oded.


Great stuff, except that he did not explain how those epigenetic modifications get passed to the germ cell. I was hoping to hear an answer about that.


Pretty neat. Sounds like DNA adapted to use RNA to protect the organism in future generations. Considering that instincts aren't directly accessible by our memory, there must be a separate part of the brain that uses RNA to make instincts.


I've always wondered about this! I think it is possible


We do know know that it is heritable. A specialy because we also know that memories are not only saved in our brains but in our body. And what our mothers experienced in her mothers womb at week 9 we also all experienced as we were there as egg cells already!


So these worms hold the key for a sort of antibiotic that works on virusses? Why was there no mention of this? 7:40


There are many things about our world and our selves we know nothing about. If people from the past would hear about what we know today (atoms, space, technology) they'd think we're crazy magicians or something. But I believe things such as ancestry memory, "ghosts", and other unexplainable things will one day be understood.


We do have many neurons within the gut and it is only recently that the effect on behaviour and health of the microbiome has been taken seriously, yet it seems now to be legitimate idea. Our genetics contain more information than we can possibly know at this point, after all your DNA determines who you are, we know there are subconscious behavioural traits also contained within genetic material. Arachnophobia would be a good example of inherited behaviour, fear of spiders would indeed have kept ancestors alive... But maybe this isn't a learned behaviour like a passed on memort and instead a random behaviour that improved evolutionary fitness and therefore was passed on. Dreams, certain gut feelings, relationship with inner self, even some people's personal relationship with God may turn out to be a relationship with their ancestral genetically contained memory. I think it's worth further study.


So, this might theorize then the COVID vaccine and its affects can/will be passed down to the next generation(s)? @8:15


"What's the physiological relevance?"


genetic memories are a real thing I would never have believed it if I didnt experience it myself.


I came looking for proof that I wasn't crazy, and this explains a lot. This is not only plausible, I can say with certainty that it is reality.
