Unexplained Disappearances | Dennis Martin | Smoky Mountains Part 1

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During this episode, we discuss strange disappearances in U.S. National Parks, specifically the Smoky Mountains. This being one of the most baffling missing person cases ever reported. How could a child simply vanish into thin air, and within view of his father? Our hearts go out to the families of missing people who, like young Dennis, were never found... it is an issue that we feel warrants serious attention by both the public, as well as U.S. Park Officials. If you choose to explore in areas such as these with your family, take heed.

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Not trying to be mean, but too much talking at the beginning. Would be nice to just get to the story.


Looking forward to subsequent postings in this series. This is a subject that fascinates me.


This information is wrong. The Martin family was in a field deep in the forest, another family came up and their last name was Martin too. They said they had some children too and if it would be ok if they could play with Dennis and his family. The kids were playing in the field while the adults were hanging out and cooking dinner. At some point the kids started to play hide and seek. Dennis' father watched Dennis hide behind a bush at the forest line. Five minutes later they announced to the kids that dinner was ready. All of the children came to eat but not Dennis. Dennis' father went to the bush but Dennis was not there, he got a sixth sense that something was wrong and ran for two miles down the appalachian trail yelling out to Dennis but got no response. The grandfather left for help. Several park rangers came to the seen but found nothing so a massive search began. On the same day another family came to the park and asked where they could see bear. The park ranger at the lodge told them a lake near where Dennis disappeared is where they could see some, a place called Devil's Gulch. While walking at the bottom of a ridge the Key family hears something from above and see a small boy standing at the top of the ridge looking down at them. Then the boy is pulled back and they hear the most horrible scream they have ever heard. The Key family's son says "Look I think I see a bear!". The father, being startled by the scream sees a dark figure moving in and out of trees holding something on its back. That was the last time Dennis Martin was ever seen again. No scent for the dogs to follow, nothing he just vanished.


william v - I haven't read any of the 411 books but do have the map they put out indicating hot spots for disappearances in the United States. Even here in old Iowa, there are some hot spots. Nice start to a very interesting topic.


I hate to be the one to say this but he was likely sold into sex slavery. Why do I believe so? There is a massive sex trafficking organization in Tennessee and authorities have never been able to do anything about it as they are too elusive. Really wish they'd make it pubic knowledge so to deal with the group much faster. They tend to hang around Dollywood and frequent trails and other tourist spots. Please if you see anyone taking pictures of your children report them to proper authorities no matter how professional they look. If pictures are taken of your children that means they have been targeted.


This is the third video I seen on this and all three have given different information.


I've read and heard a lot about the Dennis Martin case but some of the facts presented in the video do not match what I've read.


I'm from a mountain rescue team and some places that I don't visit alone


They weren't hiding from anyone. They were playing hide and seek


Hey to see u back....i thought you'd deserted us lol....u ok?


Dogman No doubt stay safe Never Hike alone and carry a heavy duty Gun Know how to use it .Yvonne Cornwall England
