Oxalate Dumping: How to deal with it?

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In this video I discuss nutritional solutions to help manage oxalate dumping. This can include eating certain foods at specific times, and also involves key nutritional supplements. The main aims are to replenish what it lost, reduce inflammation and aid oxalate clearance from the body in a safe way.


00:45 What is oxalate dumping? Recap
01:24 The most effective strategy to reduce dumping symptoms
01:55 The number one priority minerals
03:03 The best form of minerals
03:39 Oxalate's arch nemesis!
04:04 A way to speed up oxalate excretion?
04:33 The three main B vitamins
05:13 An important amino acid and an important fatty acid
05:51 What dose of nutrients to take
07:43 What other supplements can be used?


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DISCLAIMER: Elliot is not a medical professional and the information in this video is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with your primary healthcare provider for medical advice.

#oxalate #carnivore #carnivorediet #animalbased #autoimmunedisease #chronicpain #greensmoothie
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For years I did juicing with very high oxalate veggies, drank 6 cups of strong British black tea daily, and ate bags of walnuts, almonds, and figs. I had horrible joint and bone pain and endured a total hip replacement. I saw a video with Sally Norton explaining that oxalates can impact the thyroid. Even though my blood work said my thyroid was OK I had lost the outer edge of my eyebrows and found it impossible to lose weight. I started a low oxalate diet, cut out the black tea and in one month I lost 10 lbs with no other diet change.
I had no idea what the dumping syndrome was until suddenly I experienced the worst bladder and urination pain of my life. My urine was cloudy with bits of tissue floating around in it. I was moaning with pain when I came across this video. I then drank a bunch of lemon juice, water, and apple cider vinegar which eased the pain. I have since ordered all the recommended supplements, drinking 90 oz of water daily. Today I experienced symptoms of potassium deficiency, took some potassium citrate, and felt much better.


That makes sense of my symptoms. I’ve noticed inflammation, fatigue, nasal congestion, and skin rashes in cycles while I’m steadily losing weight. The rashes are new to me and look like a combination of bites and burns. This had me looking for biting insects in my bedroom and removing some cleaning products. Thanks for the sanity check.


Thank you so much. Concise and clarifying ! Life saving. The carnivore space don’t hold space with this precious information.


What is a good brand of mineral electrolytes citrate


THANKYOU Elliot!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I've been hospitalised into intensive care with oxalate problems that nearly killed me several times and had a lifetime of disability. Doctors tell me nothing about the actual cause or how to manage it other than pushing a million medications and see you next time and say its extremely rare (but repeating) situation they haven't encountered before and (its not, lots of my relatives have also been through the EXACT same thing, with exact same clinical markers, same sepsis, same specialists and same nurses in intensive care even at the same hospital and they all say they have never seen this before, Its like some sort of conspiracy to never mention oxalates, they just say "genetics" and "luck of the draw" in some sort of religious mystical vague answer). Its so comforting I can now do something to help cut down on the pain when I'm dumping. Going on the low almost zero oxalate diet has improved my kidney function by over 50% so I am saved from dialysis as I'm now over the 15% function and I no longer pee blood or need to see that bloody hospital again and all my so called diagnoses and other medical conditions are improving day by day. It feels like you CARE Elliot, like a lay carer when no-one else does. Its cruel that the people who are actually trained care for you in the medical world are turning a blind eye and suppressing knowledge. I am so grateful people like you and Sally Norton are getting the word out so people who are extremely sensitive to Oxalates can know what to do instead of suffering and dying young.


People with fibromyalgia need to look into oxalates and oxalate dumping.


- Oxalate dumping occurs when the body releases stored oxalate, causing symptoms like inflammation, joint pain, brain fog, and more.
- To manage oxalate dumping, consider:
- Eating small amounts of oxalate-containing foods (e.g., dark chocolate, nuts) to slow the process.
- Replenishing essential minerals:
- Potassium: Prevents deficiency symptoms like thirst, rapid heart rate, muscle weakness.
- Magnesium: Prevents oxalate crystallization, supports urinary clearance.
- Calcium: Binds tightly with oxalate, aids in excretion.
- Using citrate forms of minerals (potassium citrate, magnesium citrate) to dissolve oxalate and replenish lost minerals.
- Consuming sources of sulfate (Epsom salts, sodium/potassium bicarbonate) to counteract oxalate damage and promote excretion.
- Taking B vitamins:
- Biotin: Helps counteract intracellular biotin deficiency caused by oxalate.
- Vitamin B6: Useful for inflammation-related depletion, common in oxalate issues.
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine): Important when the body produces excess oxalate.
- Trying taurine: Amino acid that aids in excess oxalate elimination by improving bile acid metabolism.
- Using butyrate: A fatty acid produced by gut microbiome that increases oxalate dumping into the gut and prevents reabsorption.
- Supporting specific organs:
- Kidneys/bladder: Hydration, acetyl-glucosamine to repair mucosal barriers.
- Joints: Proteolytic enzymes, MSM, or DMSO cream for pain relief.
- Skin: Aloe vera and CBD for irritation relief.
- Eyes: Saline solution or MSM eye drops for irritation.
- Adjust nutrient dosages based on personal needs and dumping frequency.
- Aim to take nutrients daily, with higher doses on dumping days and lower doses on non-dumping days.
- Caution: Manage diarrhea with non-citrate magnesium, avoid calcium supplements for constipation, and don't take minerals with oxalate-containing foods.


B1 and potassium helped me tremendously with the pain of the crystals under my feet, 1 square of dark chocolate slows the dumping down for me indeed. When I started full carnivore I did not know this, the need of going slow. Fainting, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea for weeks. It nearly killed me, it was horrendous. Thank you EO for making this clear!


Very good information; however, I do not understand the need to speed up the dialogue. Speaking slower would be much easier for listener to absorb and/or retain info. And just enjoy listening to. Just my opinion of course.


Wow this video is gold!!! Took one problem and covered it completely!! People don't realize that most doctors have NO clue about what that is.


Huge thanks for this information and advice. Histamine intolerance (which I'm also dealing with) and oxalate dumping share a number of symptoms, so it's taken me a while to read up on the latter now that I've switched to a carnivore elimination diet. Nobody else whose articles or videos I've consulted does as good and thorough a job as you in explaining how to manage oxalate dumping.


A year ago I would have thought all of this oxylate stuff was bogus. BUT, after a while on the carnivore diet the wheels fell off the wagon! Up until this point I was feeling the best I had in years! I felt if I was aging in reverse. I had previously been a hardcore vegan and green juice warrior! My health was steadily declining. I transitioned to paleo over time and that helped but carnivore was/is the best for me.

But one morning I woke up and several of my old injuries were achey. I couldn’t even put weight on my wrist to do a push up. My whole body felt stiff. Then over the next couple of days I began to feel very lethargic and flu-like. I had severe pain when urinating! I had horrible brain fog. My eyes would burn and itch. I developed a rash in a few places. I had a build up on my teeth. All of this seemed to happen over night out of nowhere!

I wish the carnivore community would make people more aware of this possible eventuality. It would have saved me a lot of misery and doctor visits. Oh, and even though the docs didn’t find any proof of a UTI they still tried me on two different antibiotics jic, one of which caused me some new health issues!🤦🏻‍♂️. I am still having some issues several months later but nothing like before.

Oh, I discovered too that some of us need to be very careful about consuming too much bone broth as it will convert to oxylates. If I drink too much it is guaranteed that I will be peeing out flames the next day! 😬.

Thanks Elliot for the video! People, takes this stuff seriously and save yo self some misery.


1 week of low oxylate diet and i scratched my finger and a chunk of skin came off, i was like wtf is that?? Tested out the chunk of skin under a razor after i thought i saw some shiny tiny grains on skin in that area, and it cracked like mf glass! Its a crystal 1/4 of the size of a grain of rice. This blew my mind and im incredibly hopeful for how this journey might improve my health.


Lemon or lime juice did it for me. Zero oxalate foods needed. Mag citrate at hi dose worsened matters.


I’m definitely going to try this! I was really concerned when I started experiencing these symptoms which were EXTREME. Instinctively, I did the only thing that I thought might help- ate something sweet (walnuts with some maple syrup), and it did help. This made me think it was my blood sugar…until I found the information about oxalates a few days ago. It felt like a miracle! I’ve suffered for years, and it seemed like the “cleaner” I was eating, the sicker I became. Finding this information today is an answer to prayer, again! THANK YOU!!


Probably the single most important video i've watched in a long time. Thank you so much!!


It Would be nice if you could create a formula supplement with all the ingredients; it will be a life saver for millions


We agree with this video. A great book is by Sally Norton, Toxic super foods with a lot of great info too. Good luck to all.


I had full on hives/itching for a month once I went carnivore not knowing it was oxa dumping, I was soooo miserable


Thank you! I started the carnivore diet and saw immediate benefits, i.e., loss of pain, weight loss, plus several others, but in the past week I've been dumping oxalates. I didn't know what was going on. Now I know.
