'Mass Casualty' Riot in California's Prison; 276 Inmates Rushes 8 Officers | Hector Bravo

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Key Takeaways
0:00 California Prisoner Riot, 276 Inmates Attacked 8 Officers
1:53 Inmate Violence and Gang Dynamics in California’s Prisons
3:34 What Really Happens When Officers Are Outnumbered?
6:00 California’s Prisons Are Pushing for the 'Norway Model’

The California prison system is facing a dangerous crisis according to Hector Bravo, a former Correctional Lieutenant with 16 years of experience at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). In a recent interview, Bravo shared alarming details about understaffing, violence, and misguided reforms that are compromising the safety of both inmates and officers.

Bravo described a "mass casualty" prison riot at Ironwood State Prison sparked by contraband discovery during a routine cell search. With only 8 officers supervising 800 inmates in the yard, the imbalance of power erupted into a massive assault involving over 276 inmates beating and throwing rocks at outnumbered staff. Nearby facilities designed to provide backup were empty, leaving officers to fend for themselves against the mob.

Beyond this incident, Bravo cited chronic understaffing across California prisons that has made maintaining control and security virtually impossible. With ambitious rehabilitation programs taking priority over safety, administrators in Sacramento seem disconnected from the dangerous realities on the ground. Bravo contends this misguided "California model" has sacrificed safety to emulate the permissive system in Norway, which is ill-suited for California's violent prison politics and gang dynamics.

As a frontline veteran, Bravo's first-hand account sheds light on the human costs of reforms gone wrong. For the well-being of both inmates and officers, California must re-center its priorities on security before pursuing lofty goals that put lives at risk. The voices of experienced corrections professionals deserve to be heard in shaping realistic solutions to the prison system's crisis.

*Views expressed in this video/article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of California Insider.
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Swat will bring 100 people to arrest one person, but switch that to 100 criminals vs 1 cop. Genius.


If they need a good model, they should follow El Salvador. The President ordered to arrest every single gang member and they arrested 75, 000 total. Now small business and residents aren't afraid to walk in the streets they are no longer assaulted and extortion. These criminals are not to play or be friends with.


Great work ! We need to get the word out, understaff, punishing officers for protecting themselves, inadequate equipment for officers . These”incarcerated people” inmates are killers and are deadly but they have the masses think they just made a mistake. Our union has taken the money to turn away from officers and the cars within prison not only makes the prison a hostile workplace but and unsafe one as well. Unite and speak up


lets do some math
8 CO's at about 100k each a year. math would be about $34 a hour for one CO, so times 8 = $272 a hour times 24 hours $6, 528 a day in CO salaries in they run two shifts of 12 hours, with 8 COS every shift. that be $2, 382, 720 a year in CO SALARIES if they run 8 COS per 12 hour shift.
each inmate costs the state in taxes 100, 000 a year. they say
800 inmates times $100, 000 = $80, 000, 000 a year in tax revenue being spent on this prison.
where's all the money going?


You called it, you told them that this was going to happen . and they didn't listen


not sorry! people get these government jobs for the easy money, benefits, retirement, and everything taxpayers dollars/money. enjoy the jobs you applied for and got to do them. earn your keep for the government's big payouts for those jobs. A lot of those employees are worse than some of the inmates.


Maybe stop torturing inmates. That will help not to create the inmates more violent.


I work for the department for 28 years in the mid-80s had a strong union and strong administration sounds to me like the union isn't what it used to be an administration is not doing their job it's a sad day for the department hope those officers will come out of this okay sounds to me like a class action lawsuit against the department is in order


We need to get rid of Newsome. He doesn’t care about the people


Leadership….is the head… leadership is accountable. Can’t blame anyone and you hold the keys and control. All that adopting the gang privileges in prison…. Absolutely has not worked ALL of these years unless I’ve missed something? And angry environments don’t achieve anyway just atrocious atrocities take place… simple. No motivation and allowed exhaustion


Newsom is everything that is wrong with this state. All of its failures come from the top. How much more till Californians wake up…. prayers for the officers and their families


El Salvador is a good model regarding gangs.


Hector turns into el Profe when he puts a tie😂.


What’s surprising is CDC has gotten away with this BS for so long. All the while getting 100K + per inmate. Where is all the money going?


I never see zoo workers get in the cages with dangerous animals, why do we do it in prisons?

The Norway model might work in Norway, but Norway doesn't have the same 'demographic' challenges that the US does.


Hector is the real deal, exposing the corruption in Sacramento!


I bet our punk Governor was smiling from ear to ear when these officers were attacked... Great Job Hector you are so true about the Department I retired in 2022.


Im here to say that he is dead on with his observation.


This was a very interesting and informative presentation. It is a well-known fact that the California Prison System is deplorable and filled with graft.
