The Mamiya 645 Pro - Choosing the Right Medium Format Camera for You

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To Buy a Mamiya 645 Pro:

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Hi Aly, thanks for the comprehensive video. Loved how you went through your thought process with camera choice and user experience before going into the specs. I am researching medium format options and this definitely helps !


Well done, as always! One trick I discovered long ago for situations in which I found myself in need of a cable release that I did not have handy was to use the self timer. The typical scenario was that I would be shooting somewhere other than home (where I would have been able to grab whatever I needed), and find myself unexpectedly in a low-light situation calling for a slow shutter speed. For an instant fix, I would find something solid on which I could place the camera, frame the shot, turn on the self timer and take my hands off the camera. This worked like a charm with my dad's Rolleiflex and my Minolta XG-1. It didn't work so well for my Yashica FX-2 because that camera's mirror produced too much vibration.


I was gifted this camera and have been pleased, I suffer from clonic pain and fatigue, this camera fits well with me at this time.


Nice quick review. I have the Mamiya 645 Pro TTL and like it a lot. I have the same attachments, but have also opted to get a waist-level view finder. My sunny 16 guesses are pretty accurate and seldom blow them, but metering with a light meter does help train you to do that. I also have the Bronica Sq AI and the Pentax 6x7 non-MLU, and they are heavy, but each has its charm. I have found that a neck strap in combination with a monopod helps me out a lot. Physical limitations are less stressful with this combo. Also, I use a long Op/Tech strap with extra long attachments so I can carry any of these cameras across from the right shoulder to the left side. This saves my neck and let's me use the camera safely, too.


I liked your video, Aly, especially the insight into your buying process. I’ve had a Mamiya C330 twin-lens reflex for a while and love everything about it, but when I discovered the Mamiya 645 Pro I had to have it. It’s a beautiful system. Mine arrived a couple of months ago. Now my biggest problem is deciding which one to grab when I’m heading out to make photographs. I lean toward the 6x6 TLR because I prefer the waist-level viewfinder, but just today bought one for my 645. You’re right, they’re pricey and rare; I finally lucked into one on eBay for a (relatively) reasonable price. I suspect this will make the 645 my ideal rig. Keep shooting and wear a mask.


Dear Aly,
Canny video as always:)
Delta 3200 is such a lovely film!The grain is luscious & the ISO makes it a very flexible film to shoot both indoors & outdoors:) And that Mamiya looks good as well!
Keep safe & happy:)


I've had many Hassablad sold it it was awesome made lots of money with it to long to explain but now I have this I love it also have a Rollei love it to but this camera is cool


For a lightweight option I prefer my Bronica SQ. The square format removes the need for a prism finder and I crank it by hand.

My 645 systems, both Bronica and Mamiya, get very heavy very quickly when adding finders and motordrives. Still, compared to my Mamiya RB67 system you hardly know you are holding them.

The Mamiya 645 is a cracking system, the reason I have it is because of the mirror lens, not heavy but bulky. It's a nice trick to have up my sleeve.


A waist lever finder will make tou Mamiya lighter and it is so much fun to shoot with .... but also different


I can't understand why you had to use a 'Wide Aperture' thus losing Depth of Field when you have camera on a TRIPOD ? You can also use the 'Delayed Action' to set off shutter with no shake --that Mamiya HAS a Delayed Action ( Self-Timer)
