Final Fantasy IX - How to Pace a Game ~ Design Doc

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For those wondering, the game at 0:48 is 'Okage: Shadow King'. An obscure early PS2 JRPG.


"It didn't have the best soundtrack..." /hovers over back button "...wait, I take that back." Yeah you better take that back.


This game entered my life at just the right time. To this day, I haven't played another game that meant as much to me as this one. It is my all-time favorite game, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to study it like this.


>that's rough bud
story of Vivi's life


Final Fantasy IX is what made me want to be a game developer when I was a kid. It made me realize the potential of storytelling in games by the way they crafted character development, musical leitmotifs, and a story/gameplay harmony that complimented their interactions.

(Spoiler Warning START)

• When a Dagger/Garnet/Sarah goes through a traumatic event, she cannot use magic anymore because she cannot speak.
• Vivi working together with Steiner to utilize the Magic sword technique, showing their respect for one another.

• Zidane and Freya's rivalry at the Festival of the Hunt
• Zidane and Amarant's 1 on 1 duel to determine strength
• Dagger having her Eidolons early in the game (albeit latent and unusable) but are literally forcibly removed by Zorn and Thron
• Quina learning there is more out there in the world by eating lots of things, literally growing his/her arsenal
• Beatrix switching sides when she comes to the determination that serving the country doesn't mean anything if there isn't any virtue behind it.
• When you play out a ATE (Active Time Event) you can learn about how characters interact with one another and it will affect what they will give you sometimes (Also helps to weave an intricate multifaceted story that you have the ability to opt out of)
• There is more but you get the idea...

(Spoiler Warning END)

Both Nobuo Uematsu and Hironobu Sakaguchi have cited FFIX as their favorite along with being the one that they were most proud of. It was a paragon of what they had set out to accomplish, something quintessentially Final Fantasy


Read somewhere FFIX is Sakaguchi's personal favorite among the FFs he touched.

And it shows.


I would pay disgusting amounts real-world of money to play 'FFIX-IX: How Sir Fratley Got His Groove Back'.


i was READY to throw hands at ¨it may not have the best soundtrack¨ but then you got it right


FFIX is my favorite game of all time, when I saw this I instantly clicked...

Thank you for showing some love to the best game ever

Tbh it still looks great and held up compared to other PS1 games, has the best sound track only rivaled by FFX, a perfect pace, amazing gameplay loop, and so much more


FFIX is my very definition of a good JRPG. It is also a nice blend of western and asian in both style and mechanics with intricate stats and and not so much focus on nonsensical weaponry. Just the item equip system make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Love fiddling around with it.


The plutonic ideal of final fantasy! I love that line, and it helped to shape why I love this game so much. It has the level of complexity I want in a JRPG along with a rich world and compelling characters. I enjoy X, I liked VII, IV was wonderful, and XV has been my favourite since IX, and I think you gave me a better understanding of why all of that is the case. I still judge almost every JRPG I play against the scale of FFIX, my plutonic ideal. Great video, great analysis, I always look forward to the content you create.


Having played FFIX kind of gave me the "Avatar effect".
It's sad that there's no other world in any other game similar to FFIX's Gaia.
It's the first and last game of it's kind in a way.


Hey my fave final fantasy!!! Solid choice for a video, this one gets overlooked in critical discussion a lot.


Great video. FF9 is definitely my favorite FF game.


Final Fantasy IX is amazing, and "The Platonic Idea of Final Fantasy" is a perfectly apt description. I think even Square knows this, there's a reason why it was the first retro FF released on XBOX ONE and Switch


I am _so down_ for four new FFIX sequels between FFXV and FFXVI.


FF IX was my first FF of the ps era and it was amazing. Rich world with pastel colors feels like a painting in movement and having a non brooding main character helps liven up the mood.


how to pace a game

not like kingdom hearts 3


This is the *ONLY* final fantasy game that hooked me so hard, I couldn't put it down...


The stories of Vivi and Zidane are so tragic, I really loved these characters! FF IX is such a gem!
