Here's what the U.S. economy may look like under a Joe Biden presidency

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Biden and Obama got an F in their economy class


March 2021, this didn’t age well. Gas prices are at 3$/gallon affecting the working class and only rich people are driving electric.


I started a business when Obama got elected. I didn’t start it because he got elected it just unfortunately happened at the same time. I had everything I needed to be successful and made ends meet barley the whole time. About 2-3 months into Trumps presidency everything turned around and I’m happy to say life is awesome. People had money again to spend on there wants and needs. I serve the middle class/ upper middle class/ upper class. Everything I built up is gone with Biden. Sadly it’s already started. Gas is almost 10 cents more out of know where. Once biden hits office it’s going up and up just as it did with barack obama . Soon we will be close to $5 a gallon. I do not understand why people vote for people that destroy and test the middle class to the point we have no choice but to cave in due to taxes and overhead cost being unreachable. Once Biden does his damage my costs go up to the point it is unaffordable to hire me.
People don’t spend the money because they no longer have it. I don’t get paid because the jobs are not available anymore. My business goes down. Once I go down a handful of others go down with me. None of this will be by choice. It will all be by bidens choice. Good luck America. Stay strong during this collapse of the economy once again. We made it through Clinton, we made it through obama and we will make it though Biden. We just need to prepare for the unaffordable living that’s coming down on us.


It would have been nice if these questions were asked pre election


Where is the stimulos of Biden, we are still waiting.. Also waiting for the shovel ready Jobs... We know Joe.. He cares about him self and his friend...


No need to tell us, we'll find out soon enough.


Nothing said here will result in a good economy


Collapsed, that's what it's going to look like


Politicians gaslighting how Obama administration created unprecedented amount of jobs which irritates me to the core all the jobs he created was an illusion he took the people’s jobs from a 40 hr week to a 20-30 part time job which basically split jobs in half to make it look like their was more jobs created where in fact some people had to carry 2x part timers where on paper it looked even better for him. 2x more jobs 2x more people working and to put the icing on top of the cake employers didn’t have to pay healthcare for part timers wonder who lobbied that with the Obama administration?


If trumps mouth was on mute he would easily be America's best president


Pray for Biden’s health... to prevent A Harris presidency


"Evolving candidate" is code for "Without principles" in this case. I can respect candidates who honestly change their position due to new information however this is not what Biden does.


I'd vote for Attila the Hun if it made the market indexes go up. At this point in my life I'd say that money is more important than morals.


The markets will not survive this consolidation. Banging on all cylinders.


As we patiently, and peacefully, await election results let's discuss a major concern as the US passes 100, 000 COVID-19 infections a day. For many months some Americans have resisted wearing protective masks, etc. because they, "Take away freedom." Is this really about taking away our freedoms or something else? We are a country founded on the compassionate rule of law. We have seatbelt laws and second-hand smoke laws. These are just two small examples of laws enacted to protect us when we cannot protect ourselves and each other. When functioning properly our representatives in government have the ability, as defined by constitutions, charters, etc., to do those things we cannot do by all by ourselves. This may include building highways, providing K-12 education and let's not forget protecting us from deadly forest fires, hurricanes, etc. Governors, legislators and judges from the three branches of government, in addition to the media, are working as best as they can, as quickly as they can and with the best available public health information to keep all of us safe; individually we do not have the collective expertise, human and financial resources to manage these challenges. If they need to do this legally by decree, executive order or other provisions allowed them during emergencies. They are doing their jobs.
Although most people are doing the best they can to save lives there are some powerful few who are literally killing people. Take Trump and his super spreader events. A Stanford University study found his rallies have killed 700 people and infected 30, 000. Columbia University published a study recently on how 130, 000-210, 000 lives could have been saved if this administration and his political devotees had not politicized a pandemic that has infected over 45 million and killed 1, 200, 000 world-wide – so far. (CDC - 40% of the infected are asymptomatic and never know they may be spreading COVID.) The good news is that by taking basic precautions the University of Washington projects we can save over 130, 000 lives by February 1, 2021. Remember, this virus is about 8X deadlier than the 2019 flu and the third leading cause of death in the US only behind heart disease and cancer. Please fact-check all of this information yourself. Facing the truth is empowering, freeing. The sooner the more people accept reality, the sooner we can recover together as a country – grieve those we have loved and lost – and collectively address other urgent concerns.
One last thing – we are fortunate. Do the people complaining about wearing a mask really have no idea what is a true loss of freedom? Have we learned nothing from history: slavery, disenfranchisement, imprisonment in jails, ghettos and concentration camps, inscription into armies, forced marriage, starvation... Over 85, 000 children in Yemen have died since 2018 directly because of US foreign policy. Currently, another 100, 000 Yemen children are starving but we can still save them by providing immediate emergency assistance with our International allies. We just have to care enough about their freedom, their literal right to life. I’d like to believe we are capable of understanding false equivalences. There is no comparing facial coverings and the right to life and freedom from extreme suffering. This may not be what we have expected but it is nothing new, not really. And we each have superpowers – our infinite capacity for creative adaptation and a little thing called love. Please feel free to share this post. Take care, stay safe out there and thank you.


If people will get more pay then small companies will have to pay more to those people. Money that they don’t have.


A horrible president and we all see how this going..the market is a blood bath!


Is that the guy from the Big Bang Theory?


Come on man... sounds like socialism... Obama economy was a joke. Grew back what was lost after a Bush 50% depression but no more organic growth. I think Leonard should stick to physics and not economics... 😜


And afterwards
you can describe to me what the color 3 smells like.
