Here’s The Bridge That Gives Drivers Panic Attacks When They Go Over It

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Bridges are marvels that unite people and places, spanning over rivers, canyons, and other formidable barriers. But beware, because there are bridges that defy the very notion of safety, haunting even the boldest heart. Whether it's their towering heights, treacherous narrowness, or the relentless forces of nature they endure, these bridges have earned a notorious reputation as the most bone-chilling spectacles ever witnessed. In this video, we’ll take a look at some of the most mind-boggling and spine-chilling bridges in the world. if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more amazing and shocking videos.
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I'm not a fearful soul by nature, but driving across the Chesapeake Bridge for the first time in my life, I swore I was going to disappear into another dimension. It terrified me - especially when the optical illusion makes it seem to appear that the bridge was cut off its apex and you would dive headlong into the water below. I think I survived about 10 heart attacks in a span of 14 minutes - yet lived to tell the tale.


What's actually more impressive is the technology that was already available in the 1940s &50s to build this bridges...much respect to the engineers


Misleading click-bait photo. That bridge in the photo is not discussed at all in the video.


In 1967, I was driving home for Christmas. I entered the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel from the Eastern Shore. At that time it was a single span with a double yellow line in the middle. On either side of the double yellow was a single lane for traffic in each direction. After a few miles, I noticed there were no other cars in either direction. After passing both tunnels I reached a part of the bridge that had been hit by a ship of some kind. The guard rail was gone along with some large chunks of the road on the side I was driving on..

It was snowing. The wind was blowing the snow and beneath the wheels of my car, the bridge was moving from side to side due to the damage. The bridge was clearly unstable. I could see that water. It appeared black and cold. My babies were belted in the back seat, sleeping. I moved my car over the double yellow line and kept driving. I never saw another car or person on the bridge that night. As I got close to Virginia Beach, the bridge stopped moving under the car and I began to feel I’d make it. I saw no people when I left the bridge either. No state trooper cars keeping ppl off…nothing. When I reached my parent’s home, they told me that the state had closed the BT due to damage. The bridge was closed due to being unsafe while I was driving on it, but I had paid the toll to a person when I started and I never saw any police cars or state officers even when I got off. The only comfort (this happened at night) was that the lights were on. That was one of the most frightening experiences of my life.


Living in VA, I’ve crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge many times and each time is equally terrifying and incredible at the same time.


You would have to knock me out to get me on any of those bridges.


I’ve been over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge several times as a tourist to Marylands Eastern Shore. It’s nerved racking but not nearly as bad as most other bridges you showed and shouldn’t be No. 1. That bridge that goes straight up and then down scares the crap out of as well as the walking bridge with wooden slats and spaces in between!


Kudos to the hands that made these bridges, to think I can't dare walk on them...

I grew up around Manhattan - bridges are everywhere, so I was very used to them. I then crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge several years ago. Ever since, I have been terrified of long or high bridges in a car or on foot! Not only is it narrow and high and the guard rails low, but the rails are also designed in such a way that you can see right into the waters below as you drive (your impending doom). You have less than 6 inches on your right between your car and the rails. And you have a double yellow line between you and on-coming traffic (I believe Speed Limit was 50 MPH). All it takes is the unexpected sneeze of one driver and you're all doomed! Never again!


My mother panicked on the Cheasapeake Bay Bridge, stopped the car. She froze. Some man got in and drove us the rest of the way across. She was never on another bridge like that again.


While watching this I’m thinking no way I’m traveling any of these bridges, but then you hit #1 and I’ve crossed that bridge 100 times in last 10 yrs without a worry!


Don't know if I could enjoy the beautiful scenery, given the level of fear I might experience crossing any of them. Great food for thought! - and a great video! Thanks!


I felt sick through most of the film, and was happy that I would not need to leave my house to experience each bridge. Beautiful and stunning. The bridge on the cover of the video -- did I miss it or was it a blatant lie?


I’m having a panic attack just looking at the thumbnail.


I kept thinking how terrifying some of those things are, and that I would probably never go across them, until you got to #1. I lived in Columbia Maryland until my late teens. Every year we went to Ocean City for vacation, it was my parents' favorite place to go. I've traveled across that bridge MANY times and thought nothing of it at the time, it was just a cool view part way along the drive to get to the beach. And before they built the second one next to it to help with the traffic, it was the place were we would sit for HOURS waiting to get across. After all those years of going across it, it seems strange to see it on here since all my life it was no big deal. I guess we just get used to things, especially when I was little and didn't know better.


If I wanted to get that high God would have got me wings


5:47 The only thing worse than a ridiculously high bridge is one that looks like it's made from drift wood and paperclips...


The bridge with the large gaps in between each plank is terrifying. I don't see how people could allow young children to walk on those planks; I'd be afraid my child would fall between a plank. I'd have to wear a life vest in case I slipped and fell in the water. It may not help but I'd wear it anyways. This was a nice, informative video. 😊


I've been across two of these bridges, the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel Bridge and the Royal Gorge Bridge. My daughters and I walked across the Royal Gorge Bridge. It was a very windy day, and the bridge was really moving around a lot. My wife started out walking with us, but when the first gust of wind hit and the bridge started moving, she turned and ran back. We never let her live it down. 😂🏃‍♀


😊 I only wanted to see that crooked bridge in the title picture, and I couldn't find it anywhere!
