Nigerian romance scammer reveals his playbook

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Romance scamming is a big business. Last year, unsuspecting Americans lost $140 million to the swindlers. Danielle Serino shares the playbook of the thieves.
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I met a woman who had been taken by a textbook Nigerian romance scammer and even after she learned it was all a fraud, she could not get over it; she was stuck in what she said was her perfect fantasy. Very sad.


Always demand a video chat, and don't take no for an answer


Just say no to sending out money to people online.


I was just scammed myself. These people are perfectionist at what they do. Thankfully I caught on soon and didn't lose alot of money. Once they get anything from you they just keep asking for more.


Men are scammed also. Men in high positions have lost a lot of money to female scammers on dating sites. There are a lot of lonely people in the world just looking for someone to care about them. Scammers meet this need.


They aren't that good, they simply happen upon the 'mark' who is willing to part with the cash for love. What I don't understand is that these people give their whole lifesavings away on chat promises when likely there is a kid starving nearby and they won't even blink an eye.


We are inundated with this in the UK. Biggest crime.


90% of the time they use a + 234 country code


I have been shut them down and also got played by one of them


çannot believe people can give those amounts...unless they have huge problmes and they would have given their money to the psychiatrist anyway


Wow these scammers are better at talking to women than me. The only difference is when I go on a date with a girl I spend more money and they get money without even leaving the building they in. 🤣


Listen guys I bet you 50k if a scammer contacted a potential victim and for his first message said “attention, I am a Romance Scammer from Nigeria” Then changed and said “Srry, I was hacked I apologize someone got into my computer but how are you?” I bet you $50k they would still get scammed even tho the first message said I AM A ROMANCE SCAMMER. Truth is these victims are not in disbelief, they all know it but they pay for the attention and it gets out of hand and to sleep better at night they act like oh I think I’m being scammed. God gave them a brain to think and they chose to ignore it therefore deal with the consequences


Had they lived in America FBI would have all them
In Federal Prison


It’s really hard but with the support of this dude ⬆️⬆️ I was able to clear everything out and it’s really amazing I got this help from him. At least I got played but I got over everything through his skills❤


Scammers can do video all tricks such as when answering, pointing their phone at a video of Danielle Delaunay or another model and making the victim think they are talking to the person in real time. Happened to me. Something didn't seem right during the videocall though. (I was unaware at the time that scammers do videocall tricks to keep the ruze going) By the time the scammer asked me for money, I said no and the scammer got manipulative and pleading. Then I blocked her. Two days later she asked me over text why I blocked her over Google Hangouts


How will I know if He is not scammer? He is Vietnamese. He is presently working in cceecc company of China. He sent me his photo and photo of his son. I speak to him often and sometimes his son only in audio call. I had once video call with him from the date I met him in IG. He was the one asked for video call not me. I was curious about scammer tactics so I learned that he did almost the same way. But I saw in the video he is real Vietnamese. It was confusing you know.


If you can be the type of person who only falls in love in person and never through a website you will never get scammed. I do not develop feelings or attraction online. I need my five senses…sight, sound, touch and smell. I need to literally be in someone’s presence.


Sad truth is Dating sites could end this but don’t. Sue the dating sites


Don't be dumped ass observed from the beginning, they'll tight you up with their Sweet talks, even you tell them that you're in a chat with someone, they won't quit, Why? its because of their EVILNESS, be smart & listen very carefully, some would say, hard life's in there COUNTRIES, bad enough there's someone's already mark down on their calendars, so you're the new victims, i think they're given times on certain hours to chat with you then someone's, on the next online, be very CAREFUL you'll be in love in a seconds,


That sounds like Amos Christmas osio that goes by the name osio barge Richy . Enna and few more geepers creepers sounds like him may not be .. when I told him no after awhile he got mean towards me lying too. Plus I wasn't the only many woman he use..
