Masienda x Rick Bayless: Masa from Kernel to Tortilla

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Jorge Gaviria, founder of Masienda and author of the new "Masa: Techniques, Recipes and Reflections on a Timeless Staple" joins Rick Bayless in the Frontera test kitchen—the first in a collab series!—for a comprehensive lesson in making perfectly puffed tortillas from dried heirloom corn kernels.

If you want to go deeper in your explorations on masa, Rick says Jorge's new book (linked below) is "the best that's ever been written on the subject." Make sure to check out Masienda's YouTube channel too!

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I discovered Masienda by accident. I was absolutely thrilled to get masa harina to make tortillas at home and the flavor brought me back to my childhood visits with my Mexican grandparents and getting fresh tortillas from the market. I am a huge fan and will get the book. Thank you!


I'll have to show this to my husband. He was just telling me the other day about the time he worked in a tortilleria. He had to get up at like 2am and work until 2pm, 6 days a week. He put the machine together every morning. He said it was a hard job and he didn't last more than a few months. It was the only tortilleria in the town and surrounding towns at that time.


Rick, am akways impressed with you. Your guest and your recipes, am Latina and am glad to say you do get our food! I been your fan for many many years.

Thank you👍


Since my first purchase of their conico field corn, Masienda has literally transformed my culinary life, just as Chef Rick had with his TV shows and tutorials. Thanks so much to both you!


great video, without the nixtamalization process you cannot survive by eating just cooked corn as you will get niacin deficiency. really amazing feat that the indigenous people of the americas figured this out thousands of years ago.


What a great video!!! It reminds me of my visits to my grandmother's house. She always had a 5 gallon bucket of maiz ready when we arrived. We would take it to the local molino to be ground into masa and she would make us tortillas. Never missing from the table was the queso fresco, avocado and chile. Thanks for the memories!!!!


How is it that Joe Walsh and I are the ONLY TWO PEOPLE who caught the MASSIVE MISTAKE of adding TWO FULL POUNDS OF CAL! Joe correctly pointed out that he should have said 0.32 ounces, or 9 grams of Cal. Thank you, Joe. You are my brother from another mother.


for 32 oz of corn you would use 0.32 oz of cal for a 1% cal (w/w) ratio


Oh I’m so excited, I just started to watch the video, I’ve seen all of his stuff, I’ve tried next time all three times I’m hoping there’s some advice on how to properly hydrate the MASA love your stuff Rick always great


I love this video! It is so great to see the start to finish on tortillas! I bet those tortillas were the best flavor and texture that you will never get from store bought tortillas. Thank you for this great demonstration!


Huge fan of Rick and Molinito owner! Can’t wait for the book to come in !!


I have my grandma's metate which my dad had inherited when she passed(she lived to 104). She would actually use it to grind corn. I'm going to have to try using it. I need to get his book. Thanks Chef Bayless 🥰👍🏻


This is the prime example of a recipe that should be cooked by the community for the community on a regular basis, it's just not worth doing small batches at home. My area has a community garden for some years now, I gotta convince them to do this.


I saw a picture of picaditas (one of many traditional dishes from my grandma and mom's hometown), so I can respect this guy. When trying a tortilla, making a taquito de sal elevates the experience, it brings memories to us who were invited a taquito de sal at the tortilleria when we were children (nowadays they don't give them out anymore).


Outstanding video very informative and interesting Thank you Mr Bayless


Best thing I ever did was place an order with Masienda and start doing tortillas from kernel to tortilla. It really makes a difference.


It’s amazing that people however long ago figured out you can do this to corn to transform it for whatever purposes you have. Neat


That was so cool! I've been a fan of your channel for so long and you never disappoint. Just you being you and sharing what you love.


For 2 pounds of corn you need .32 ounce of cal. Or for one Kilo of corn 10 grams cal. (DO NOT USE 32 OUNCES OF CAL FOR 2 POUNDS OF CORN.)


Although I can easily get ready made masa in my neighborhood I would love to try and make my own masa from dried corn. I grew some field corn this summer (to run my beans up) and might take those ears now and try to make some masa. What fun. Thanks for the tutorial.
