'We Are Indians': Mizoram MP Vanlalvena's Rebuttal To Amit Shah's 'Manipur Tribals Are Myanmarese'

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Mizo National Front (MNF) MP K Vanlalvena, while speaking in the Rajya Sabha, said that it was wrong to call “tribal people in Manipur Myanmarese”.

The Mizoram MP who also happens to be an NDA ally, alleged that his mic was switched off in the Rajya Sabha on Friday while he was speaking.

Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar later adjourned the proceedings, while ordering that Vanlalvena’s speech would not go on record.

#manipur #mizoram #amitshah #parliamentlive

Corrigendum: Earlier, we had mentioned Mizoram MP as Manipur MP. It has now been corrected. We apologise for the inadvertent error.

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He is our Mizoram MP, we proud him...we are living here in this land🎉 before British administration.


So sad that we need to tell them again and again that we are Indian😥


Why the hell 'nothing will go on record'? Such a shameless one eyed Vice President and RajyaSabha chairman we have got


The MP of Mizoram is Mizo.
Kuki and Mizo are blood related. So when the misinformed Home Minister stated that the tribals of Manipur, including Kuki, are Myanmarese he is understandably furious with the disrespect statement made at the House of repesentatives. I have a feeling that there's something more than meets the eye in this curious case of Manipur. The people in control are hiding something. They are trying hard to keep the fire burning in any ways they possibly can, even in Lok Sabha.


As far as the INDIAN Constitution is concerned.... We are proud of our tribal MP Sir.


My mother (born 1950, Hmar) from Lamka, her grandparents wre born & resident of Manipur. My father (born 1945, Pachuau) from Mizoram. His grandfather was a Lushai chief's minister. My lineage (from both side) starts in India before Independence.

In my maternal side, grandfather was a daily wager under Manipur sericulture department in CCpur. My uncles are retired professor, NOS employees and my aunties retired school teachers. My cousins work in different sectors, some are in baking, construction, some are in State Government services, while some are Central Government employees such as MEA, horticulture, Indian Army etc. Most of them are still there in Lamka, except my side of the family and those working outside Manipur. Both my mom and dad were in the Assam Rifles now retired, that's how they met and got married.

Yet we are being called illegal immigrants and Narco-Terrorist. Are we not Indians? What more can one expect from someone to prove that they are Indian? If we were to be considered illegal immigrants now, than why did you ever included our State as part of India at the time of Independence. And even bombing Mizoram for not allowing us to have our own country. You should have just let us be, if you are going to abandon us anyway. We respected you and always abide with your Constitution law, why are we all now being called illegal immigrants?? But than again, I guess those who wanted us to be part of India are no longer in position to support us. And being us Indians can't be undone now, we are now so used to being an Indian, for us it will be such a foreign feeling if we are no longer and will take time to adjust and swallow what's been thrown at us.

There are so many people like me who felt let down by our own Indian people and the Government both State and Central in the hills of Manipur.

If there is little bit of Nationalism left, than don't allow your fellow Indians from Manipur be killed in the name of illegal immigrants or narco terrorist.

So many innocent people had lost their lives. Out of 70+ kuki who were killed in the valley, with only 9 bodies are left which are yet to be confirmed, it was said that claim are being made by the people from the valley that these bodies are of illegal immigrants, even though 40 body counts are still missing from the Kuki. All the other bodies identified were just innocent Indian people. Please don't let this happen again.


The speaker smirking face says everything. Last time his attitude towards Pu K Vanlalvena was also condemnable. We still have to prove we are Indians till today.


Referring to the Kuki in Manipur is equivalent to the Mizos in Mizoram ... Blood brothers


I am from Mizoram. Hi is our MP, not Manipur. The reason why he reacts the HM is that the tribal who are living in Manipur are our brethren. He claimed that we are not settled in our land even before India get Independence.


We are citizens of India
Nothing will go on record-Mother of Democracy


We Indians are very unfortunate to have such a kind of speaker who is so ignorant😢 about the truth to save his position


Wait a minute? In the video itself, the MP said he is from Mizoram, then why did the channel write it as Manipur MP? Is it just a mistake or just for some views?


Dear Mojo.
He is from Mizoram not Manipur.


If they keep on questioning our Indian nationality and doubt us then let us out


Thanks mizoram MP for speaking out the truth.... All the north east state are a part of Assam before British Kingdom


Nothing will go on record 😮
What a shame.
They are doing everything in their capacity to ignore a burning state.


❤❤❤ Well said. We have been living in our land since time immemorial. No other culture in the known or written history has ever occupied these lands aside from us.


North East state should get separated from India and be a independent country. It's better to start fresh than living as a third class citizen in a poor country😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


Amit Shah should Apologies publicly for making such statement.


Sir, Vena, we are proud of U..WE ARE INDIANS
