We Tried the Best Selling Discs

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In this video:
We tried the discs the had the best sales from our factory store 2022 (Latitude 64 discs that is). Frida helped us out so we didn´t know which discs we where gonna throw. Hope you enjoy the video very much indeed =)

Have a great day!

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Heyyy! Here are more nice stuff if you want. Have a great day either way ❤️🤘 /Jonathan


Jonathan is the biggest reason I’m sticking with latitude plastic. Love your videos man, they’re a perfect blend of instruction and entertainment. Keep it up!🙏🔥


This channel is single handily the only reason I tried disc golfing this year and the only reason I continue to go back every day after stating “I’m never doing this again”….the education with the entertaining aspect is a refreshing blend. Keep up the great work!


I want there to be a restock of Jonathan's designed discs! That horse is so amazing.


Jonathan and Johannes are the epitome of YT disc golf content for me! It's on the bucket list to someday go to Sweden and hang with these two cool bros!


Because of your videos I decided to try out Latitude 64. Ever since then 3/4 of my bag is now Lat64 or Westside. I love the glide your discs have and the plastic feels amazing. Lat64 discs just work for me. Your videos are always an instant click and like for me, and then I enjoy the video ;).


Love the pace of this content. No annoying fluff, just good times, nice discs and half decent throws 😂 keep it up!


You're certainly among the best things that ever happened to Latitude64, Jonathan. You obviously hit a nerve with your style, congratulations. I'm a noob and don't buy lots of discs, so I actually never had the pleasure of throwing a Lat64 disc. Maybe one day :)


That Pure would fit perfectly into my local course pond, right next to my other Pures. Would appreciate if you would send that one over, as it seems to have the exact flight characteristics I’m looking for.


After a 7 year hiatus, I just started playing again. I played for a little less than a year before I took my break from playing. Back then I was just going out and having fun, never really thought much about form, and when I did I just learned from the people I was playing with, only one of them with any sort of tournament experience. But I recently picked it back up again and I’m starting to get, what little groove I had, back. I also wanted to start being a little more serious about it and work on my form, and learn my disc’s a bit more. Y’all have been some of the first videos I’ve watched, and really haven’t felt like I needed to watch others. Johnathan is an amazing host and being that he’s, I guess, still an amateur, he’s asking the questions from the professionals that I would ask. It feels like I’m able to learn a lot easier through these videos, then if it was just professionals talking about how they play. Also, not to mention how much fun it looks like they have doing it!! Keep up all the excellent content y’all!!


Why would I like these discs? Because you guys are my YouTube heroes. And to have actual discs you guys played with would make my life complete. Pure joy, it may actually cure my baldness.


Imagine beeing as goofy as Jonathan, and also making content so good that a trolldisc gets sold out several times, "pure" love. That puts a perspective of how great you guys at lat64 is, love every video you make! Keep it coming!
Those giveaway discs are like your videos Jonathan: Highly requested and made of gold (the plastic one of course)
Sorry for the extremely bad puns, not even dad standard


I appreciate you talking through how the disc will fly. Really helps me understand whats going on.


I would love a disc because my ice cream bowl broke and I need a new vessel to serve ice cream from


Hei There!! I am really enjoing the videos latey, and is looking forward to the next to come. If you think I am the lucky person you think that, but if not have a really beautiful day. I am not stopping to watch you guys ever!!!


That's a really good bag of discs there. YouTube knows you all make my favorite content because the moment you put out a video you're the number one recommendation.


The reason I play the sport, thank you guys!!! These discs would make a great gift for my son who is off to college this fall. Help me give him the best graduation gift EVER!!!


I want the grace because it gracefully landed in the dirt at a nice angle. And the pure has the best artwork i have ever seen


Great video guys! I loved it, the best vibes. I hope your boss still buys you ice cream! Hahah.

I am interested in the discs because i love introducing disc golf to my friends! This season I've bought a few extra discs so that I can share them when my friends dont have a set. I have enough for 1 extra set but i need one more mid range disc so I can then bring two pals out for a game and lend them each a driver, mid range, and putter to learn with.


I would love to have those discs. I was born without arms, but through the magic healing power of disc golf, I now can throw about 250 feet on a good day, downhill, with a strong wind behind me. I just turned 60, and there are few sports still available to old timers like me. Good content, very amusing. Keep it up.
