“You ok, Ms. Naomi?” 💔

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I don’t know the exact context do this video, but it sounds to me like she wanted to leave. She was uncomfortable and didn’t want to do the People magazine photo.

Or maybe she did and that’s why Larry said “she wants to go” ??

I don’t know , but hearing that woman ask her if she was ok completely broke me.

I’m sorry you were in so much pain 🥹💔

This was in Nashville at the CMT Awards…days before we lost let.
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Sad to watch someone who once was so vibrant and full of sparkle become so fragile and unsure of herself and her surroundings. Depression and Anxiety are hell to live with and there are no real happy pills that make it tolerable to deal with. It’s your worst nightmare come to life. I pray she is at Peace now and all her monsters have ceased to exist. All the Money and Fame in the world cannot buy Happiness or Peace of Mind…Those things can never compare to the Joy we will have in Heaven, if we know Jesus and I believe Naomi is finally Home!!!


Loved her all my life. Whoever chose the hair and dress for her should have been fired


I met Naomi several times. The last time in 1995. She was so full of life and always smiling and so kind. This breaks my heart, as did the day I heard she passed. I suffer from depression, anxiety all of that. Its amazing I survived to be this age. I cant even imagine being in the public eye. Humans are so cruel. I loved her so much. Wonderful lady.


She was so beautiful inside and outside. This cruel world destroys anything good.


I saw that same (blank) stare, and almost childlike insecurity in my Mom who suffered from Dementia. Its a cruel disease that robs you of your mind.


I don't hear anyone asking if she's ok? I've listened to it several times, not what was said.


"You doing good, Ms. Naomi "
I swear, no one on YouTube can report a thing with accuracy.


No way I would have allowed my mother to be exposed like this I know her daughter meant well but this breaks my heart to see her like this I work at a mental Hospital I see a lot of red flag


She was not up for the demands of a tour. She was pushing toward 80. I wonder how this tour came about.


She was NOT “doing good” and anyone with sense could see it.


Depression consumes you if you suffer from it. You can't see the forest for the trees. It's always there, it's just levels of how bad it is in that particular moment. You don't want to go anywhere, do anything and you sure don't want a PEP TALK. You just want to be left alone, then when you are, you're overwhelmed because you dwell on everything. I put earplugs in my ears every night because I can hear every clock in the house ticking. The ceiling fan sounds like a radio station with music but it's not loud enough to figure out what song you think you hear. I feel so bad for Naomi`s girls because someone that doesn't have it doesn't understand why you're depressed. They just get mad because you never feel like doing anything. Naomi is at peace now and she doesn't have to deal with those negative feelings anymore.


You can tell she’s not herself-her sparkle is gone-she doesn’t seem to want to be there-I know in the car when she talked about the tour she was happy but something happened between then & here-on on one picture of her & Wy sitting in the audience-she looks so sad there-something wasn’t right😢💔


Her body movements are mechanical, what the heck kind of drugs was she put on?


She should have been home getting help. She looks so beside herself. I can’t imagine her internal pain. 💔


There are no words. God bless Wy for her strength and her love for her “Queen of everything”. I’m sure that was such a difficult day for her also. I love you Naomi, may you now rest in peace. I love you Wynonna for taking each day, one at a time to navigate through the past two difficult years. May God continue to bless you on your journey.


When I see her, I can feel the internal torture. I call it Thought Cancer. When you’ve looked death in the eye, it’s hard to move past it. It just eats away and you’re a prisoner of the disease.

Wish you were still here, Naomi. 🌈🤍


And to add to my previous comment. Naomi was in such a deep level state of mental illness, and on medications, and she stated in an interview she had thoughts of shooting herself, or jumping from the bridge that was near her home, yet she was allowed to have a gun/ guns were allowed in the house. Not good. And should not have been allowed.


Can you imagine taking meds for depression that have a side affect of suicidal thoughts? She could have been waiting patiently for them to get into her system and work but meanwhile having suicidal thoughts and not realizing that the meds were causing it. At that point, she could have thought nothing was helping her and it was hopeless. An endless cycle. Maybe she looked at the tour as something else she just couldn't handle. How do you smile and perform when you're feeling so sad?


Bless her heart . It's Naomi on the outside but not on the inside mentally physically . Wy says, " Dear God in Heaven please get us past this " .


it unreal she was 76 here ..she never looked her age..
