Cold War Soviet Tank Tactics Tested in War Thunder!

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Actual Tank Commander uses actual Soviet Tank Tactics from the Cold War in War Thunder. Using an actual declassified intelligence report from 1976!

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" I swear I'm not trying to make soviet tanks look bad or anything."
Also Panzer
"... Soviet targets, I mean tanks."


I have a friend who played 8.0 Russia in full soviet uniform for full immersion 😂


The reason why Gunner and Loader are swapped in Soviet tanks is as follows. In the British Army, it was normal for the gunner of a gun to always be on the left side. It was taken over for the tanks. Germany was the first to change that, and with time so did the rest of NATO, including the British. in the USSR that just didn't happen. possibly due to the introduction of autoloader. if you look at older British tanks for example, you find there also the "wrong" arrangement


One of the biggest things you're missing here is other vehicles with you. One of the primary parts of that doctrine is concentration of firepower, in this case via superior numbers. In your case, depending on the time and unit, you should have 2 or 3 tanks moving in conjunction with you, either in column or on line. It'd be interesting to see if doing that changes the results.


Soviet Cold War tactics are impossible in game realities, as Soviet tanks from the 50s-60s are opposed by vehicles with modernization from the 80s-90s, and the Soviets don't have a 1 to 3-5 quantitative advantage, besides, in reality a Soviet offensive would be all-armed, with infantry and aviation, with paratroopers, with tactical nukes and other elements of WW3.

So in the game, the Soviets are buckets that are immortal or die from spitting in favor of balance. Just imagine what would happen if the 1971 t-64a was the main opponent of the m60 and leopard 1 from 1965, in their basic versions, without stabilizers, without APDS-FS, and other joys from the 80s.


Short answer : The developers need to increase the number of players on the Soviet side, in real life the Soviets used superior tanks numbers to cover the weak flanks. And BMPs and Infantry units should cover the tanks as the platoon of Tanks breaks through enemy defense line.


Hey panzer you should get a big squad together and test the tactics against a random enemy team, some games like war of rights have “pub stomps” where the organized guys eviscerate the randoms on the other team, I think a similar idea would be fun to see in war thunder


“Who is hitting me? I can’t see what I’m shooting at!” That’s 100% of my WT experience and why I stopped playing.


Flamethrowers are not banned and are not a war crime. it's just a myth. They are banned by specific countries for use in those countries' military, which is where the misconception likely derives from. I love your videos. Keep up the great content


"I swear I'm not trying to make the Soviet tanks look bad" continues to call them targets TWICE and offensive to tanks, "I'm doing a soviet missile thing.confusing a road for a target"


I think it's very interesting how you don't actually play very well with real life tank knowledge. A veteran war thunder player will prefer the APHE any day of the week and opt to shoot weakspots, while you prefer highest pen and often just shoot centre mass, which is definitely the way to go IRL. It goes to show how even though War Thunder is right below tank sims in terms of realism, it is such a far cry from real life.


9:58 that’s real tanker’s muscle memory😅


6:45 it looks weird because all the visual effects are way brighter than everything else. That messes up with ur brain and it’ll start to think that the area is bright evn though it’s actually dark.


It's kinda funny how I've naturally used these strategies in wt.

The hill tactic i always called the sniper; reserved for "sniper tanks" (any tank with fast reverse or sharp depression) as they could excel on hill combat. The strategy feels very passive/defensive with little mobility.

The low land strat i often referred as cornering/ Snaking. Very fast paced and often weaving in the cover of valley or city alleys. It was always rapid mobility and sudden strikes. Super aggressive but easily out numbered on success.


4:25 On the T-44/54/55/62 series, the commander sits behind the gunner in the left half of the turret, so the left hatch is actually the commander's hatch, which is also the gunner's hatch. The right hatch with the HMG is the loader's hatch, since that is where the loader's position is.


so accroding to Polish People Army Tank manuals (all declasified as Poland no longer uses this docrine) you got 3 things wrong:
1st. NATO tactic of using the elevating terrain was designed a little after all NATO tanks stared using L7 so late 60's
2nd. your first ammo type should be APHE than Kinetic (when T-72 became a thing they went with HEAT firts then if the target is 1.2km away switch to Kinetic
3rd. While playing soviet tanks like T-55, T-62 or even BMP's you should go with the group as it is in the doctrine "Infantry should cover the tanks as the platoon of Tanks breaks through enemy defense line"

Source: trust me bro
also I'm polish and I work for terytorial army, so getting info from someone who has been a soldier in 80's was like: hey, what was like to be a tank commander?
and then he told you evertyhng saying "we don't use that anymore so its public information"


I really like your video concepts, and you manage to pull them off really well. Keep it up bro.


8:10 a tank like the T72 is not going to be retreating any time soon with its reverse gear


6:45 I actually see that kind of sky very often here in Eastern Canada during winter. When the Sun is low (that is, in the early morning or late afternoon, and it happens more often in winter than in summer), the clouds can take this dark grey look, but with the light being so diffuse, the ground looks quite bright, resulting in that kind of stunning contrast.

I believe the issue is that we see this way more often than in reality in War Thunder. It should be uncommon, not a recurring thing. 😆


I think the flame thrower on this and the Churchill should be able to melt tires on wheeled vehicles immobilizing them at least
