NIA and NHLBI Entrepreneur Workshop Series: Licensing and Partnering Agreements

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The Entrepreneur Workshop Series, co-hosted by NIA’s Office of Small Business Research (OSBR)and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), offers research entrepreneurs and biotech small business owners expert guidance on key components of start-up success. The Licensing and Partnering Agreements session provides guidance on licensing and partnering transactions such as intellectual property (IP) from a university, out-licensing startup IP to another company, and forming a partnership with a strategic partner. This breakout session provides an opportunity for Q&A and discussion of the challenges and optimal approaches related to negotiation tips.

Date: June 22, 2021Speaker:EthelRubin, Ph.D., Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Small Business Education and Entrepreneurial Development (SEED), NIH

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