Все публикации

Six tips to help manage behavior changes in people with Alzheimer's disease.

Seis sugerencias para los cambios de conducta en la enfermedad de Alzheimer (Descripción auditiva)

Exercising With Chronic Conditions #exercise #health #chronicillness #wellness #chronicdisease

Clinically Meaningful Outcomes in AD/ADRD Trials – Day 1

What Is Lewy Body Dementia? #LBD #LewyBody #Lewy #Dementia #Brain #MemoryLoss

¿Qué es la demencia? #demencia #Alzheimer #perdidamemoria #envejecimiento

#NIA #research #aging #dementia #twins #frontotemporaldementia #speech #alzheimers 06172024

#NIA #research #aging #alzheimers #dementia #cognitivehealth #lewybodydementia #brain 05272024

What is dementia? #dementia #Alzheimers #memoryloss #aging

NIH Toolbox® Assessments Conference: Day 2

Systematic Data Harmonization Enabled by Generative AI, Machine Learning, and Large Language Models

#NIA #research #aging #hearthealth #sleep #womenhealth #cognitivehealth #alzheimers 05102024

Cognitive Aging Summit IV (CAS IV) Day 1

Por qué es importante para la comunidad Hispana participar en un estudio clínico

#NIA #research #aging #cognitivehealth #cognition #dementia #dementiaresearch 04112024

#NIA #research #aging #socialisolation #bonehealth #nia 03282024

Day in the Life of a CARD Trainee: Rylee Genner #NIHCARD #dementiaresearch

NIA Start-Up Challenge and Accelerator 2023 Winner: Voice-It, Inc.

NIA Start-Up Challenge and Accelerator 2023 Winner: Lantern Laboratory, Inc. (Audio Descriptions)

NIA Start-Up Challenge and Accelerator 2023 Winner: PopCheck Technologies, Inc. (Audio Descriptions)

#NIA #research #aging #dna #bonehealth #nia 3182024

¿Qué es la demencia frontotemporal? #demencia #ftd #frontotemporal #NIASalud

What is it like working at NIH CARD? Interview with Rami Traurig

#NIA #research #aging #bloodpressure #nursinghome #covid19 #nia #mexican 12202024