Spyro The Dragon (Reignited) 120% Guide WILD FLIGHT (ALL GEMS, EGGS, DRAGONS...)

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In This Level You Can Find:
-300 Gems

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I had to sign up for anger management classes after this level


That just looks like a pain in my asscheeks


This level is so frustrating. It is last one i have to 100%.

Update: 3 minutes after commenting i got it in 1:13


So glad these levels are in the game, great reason to rethink your life choices.


This level is so dang hard out of all the other flights. The thing that got me tho was the dam boats, once I got a certain pattern to follow it never fails, there was one single boat I missed. Now that I got every single boat and the others, it was one plane i missed.. glad I’m not the only one who struggled. Trying this level again when my adrenaline calms down lol


I was able to complete it (after probably 20 times) in 1:00:3! My strategy was to start with the chest in the center then fly into the chest and planes area, and make to to fly head on into the planes so you don’t chase after them. Once you’ve finished that area fly back and just hit the arches and boats as they come. But try not to circle around twice throughout that area.


This is like a flight challange with ADD


I got some tip for you. When entering that area at 0:10 - in first round get all the chests there and 1 plane, then fly around again, destroy 2 planes and go to the plane tunnel, when you fly from the tunnel you should have 7 planes, then just fly to the right and destroy the last plane and continue same as in the video but you should have around 20 seconds instead of 8. I did this and completed the level in 1:13


I just winged it and had 17 seconds left. I think with this one the best strategy is to just hit or get the closest thing you see.


interesting.... jump to 0:59 and slow it down to 0.25 & watch the timer. (hint: one second) A: looks like a glitch. B: he almost ran out of time. 0.2 seconds off. in fact. his timer hit zero. hitting the chest saved him.


This is pretty bad dude... veeeery lucky run, gonna be hard for people to recreate this


I found an easy route to follow.First as you start you go through the arch and then continue with the boats until you reach the place with arches and boats.Stay there for a few seconds killing any incoming boats and in the meantime going through the arches(doing circles helps).Then, you continue with the stream-going through the arches and killing any remaining boats and when you finish your last arch you start burning the boxes in the order they appear.After the last box turn to the right and go through the upper tunnel opposite to the planes coming and then go through the left side of the tunnel below so again-you have planes coming to you instead of you flying after them.I hope this will help anyone.


I swear you just have to get lucky to beat the damn flight levels


Dude you hit 0.0 and actually came back from it


No wonder why they call it "Wild" Flight! I was so impressed by how fast you push yourself, I kept thinking that you were going to crash or run out of time out one point. Spyro even showed how hard you were pushing yourself.


I refuse to believe that someone at Insomniac thought that this was good level design. half you things you NEED to get are on the thing that KILLS you. this shit made me an insomniac


I did it Arches, Boats, Chest, Planes. And had a fair amount of time left.


I love all your other walkthrough videos but this one really was luck dude. You barely nagged this by the skin of your teeth and im sure it was frustrating. This looked sloppy and had an unfollowable pattern. I will have to watch somebody else try this flight world in order for me to get it. Thanks for your other videos though. They have all been super helpful, just not this one.


Greta video: HELPFUL HINT!
At the start when he goes clockwise with the planes, you should go counter-clockwise in that area! I did 1 lap and got the chests, did a second lap and cleared the planes, THEN got the rest of the planes on the way out of the left tunnel. This saves a full lap and over 10 seconds. Good luck everyone!


I also almost rage quit. I was nailing run after run just to be 0.5 seconds short of the last boat.

My final solution: following this video, after the last plane, I hit Y/Triangle to do a drop. If you’re high enough, you can recover and do a quick swoop back to the last chest/boats. Then, rather go right, I went left. I ended up finding the final boat much quicker.
