3 BIG Reasons Why MEN SHOULD STAY SINGLE (For Now Or Forever!)

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3 BIG Reasons Why MEN SHOULD STAY SINGLE (For Now Or Forever!)… In this dating, love, and relationship advice video, I will give three reasons why men should stay single for now or forever. It is essential to know why men should stay single and embrace singleness in these modern times. Pay attention to this dating advice and watch the entire video to find out why you should stay single.

I know it's tough for some men to be single while others enjoy their dating experiences. Singleness has advantages because you can heal and let go of your past to find yourself when staying single. I want you to understand why you should stay single for now or forever.

Once you know the reasons to remain single, you can focus on things that will positively affect your life. If you want to learn why you should stay single for now or stay single forever, this dating advice will give you the clarity you need. Embrace this video to make your single life easier and much better.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Why men should stay single
- Stay single
- Reasons to stay single
- Staying single
- Stay single forever
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


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I hope you enjoyed my video, "3 BIG Reasons Why MEN SHOULD STAY SINGLE (For Now Or Forever!)"


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.


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I've spent all year in monk mode, rebuilding my life, status and goals, after a break up last Xmas. Staying positive and driven.
This in turn has attracted quite a few women as a by product of what I've spent all year doing, women that I thought wouldn't be interested in me. But as my confidence has improved so has my But I'm staying single till I'm ready for a new relationship ✊🏻✊🏻


I've been single since 2012, and I haven't had sex since 2017. I'm 34 now, and finally sober. I've lost over 70 pounds, I work out every day, and I eat well, I'm in fantastic shape. I've paid off all my debt, over $50, 000. I've saved money and I started my own business. Right now I'm invoicing over $11, 000 a month. I just bought a house in my area for way under asking, and yes it's a total renovation, but I'm doing all the work myself. It will be beautiful once it is done. Working on it gives me not only something to do, but a great sense of meaning and purpose in restoring a historic home. I have also bought myself a nice old 90s 7.3 Powerstroke F250. Life is good, from a financial, health, and overall purpose perspective.

I will likely never date again. I work remotely and have never met my coworkers. I don't drink anymore so the nightlife is not for me. I do work out, but I don't make it a social event. I am a party of one. I make a lot of money, my expenses are low, under $1, 600 a month, and I keep the rest or reinvest in my house, truck, or various other investments. I've become a very private person, and really only interact with women when I'm out at the store or the bank. I've friendly, but make no effort to be flirtatious. I have "gone my own way" as the "manosphere" proclaims. I don't like the "manosphere" very much, by the way.

If a relationship happens for me in the future, it will be because a woman proves to me that she is worth my time and energy. Right now I'm too busy to feel bad about myself for "not getting any" or not dating. There's too much to do!


After my wife passed away and I crossed the grieving mountain, I kept thinking about finding another woman because "I'm better as part of a couple." It took more time to discover the "single me" I never knew (I started dating my wife when I was 18). During the 6+ years which followed, I discovered who I was as a single man. I also eventually discovered why I wasn't attracted to a number of single women in my circle who are of good character, in my age range, and of a compatible spiritual background: I find above-average intelligence without arrogance to be a key for me. I find I lose interest in a woman who constantly requires explanations for every concept. I need someone who can really be an active partner in a conversation. I haven't found many single Christian woman in my age bracket who can do that. So, until I find the right woman, it's better for me to stay single. Better no woman than the wrong woman. Good topic. Praying for you! -- Russ P PS/Tyson sends snores from his chair. Nap time for furballs. :)


I divorced in 2012, and stayed in monk mode for two years. I had to go through all my internal issues, and repair myself, before being ready to date again. In retrospect, I'm glad I did. I'm in a much better place today. Your advice is always on point.


Being single has worked for me for 10 years. I'm perfectly OK. Finding a relationship without the childish games of ghosting, push pull, and shit tests is like finding a unicorn. I don't hate woman, but I'm MGTOW. I just don't do drama and certainly NOT liberal woman. I'm not into being a challenge to change. They will lose every time.


Marriage is best for having and raising children. Anything else doesn’t require a marriage license.


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I had a realisation last night that I’m generally happier being on my own, not just in personal relationships but friends as well. On my own there’s no anxiety, jealousy, pretence, anger at being offended. It was quite a realisation as everything made sense, and I was (kind of) content with that. I think I’ll always feel the pang of sorrow when I see other couples, but In a way that’s the price I may have to pay.


First time a woman gives the perfect advice compared to other women on YouTube.

Thank you for being honest and for having a "Neutral" perspective.... thank you.

You are one of the few women on youtube I can trust when it comes with dating advice.


Thank you for the real talk!
After many heartaches in dating and a marriage full of gaslighting and mental & verbal abuse, I found myself divorced and just jumped back into the dating pool. Big mistake. I tried everything including the men's dating game stuff and none of it worked...well, it worked kind of but I was nowhere near ready for dating and especially for a relationship. For years now I've been basically just living my best life...no MGTOW or anything like that, just living life my way and talking with women but without being a simp or trying to get a date or "close the deal". Am 100% happier. And I've got no end date in mind, just living each day as I want.


After 2 narcissistic women in a row I am working on improving myself. I am not thinking about staying single or entering into a relationship if it happens it happens. Worrying about it creates negativity and I am leveling up.


Super advice, Anna! I've been divorced for 5 years. In that time I had a 1-year girlfriend and a few failed romances. I've been thinking it's time for single mode for a while because I do want to work on self improvement. And dating in your 40s in this day and age is definitely challenging...


I think a lot of the women who rejected me in my earlier days in the long run did me a favor. None of them would have worked out. I think guys get too focused on finding someone and pushed themselves into relationships that would have been best not pursued. Monk mode is not a cool choice in our society but there are advantages to being single and whatever guys choose they should have an open mind.


Happy Holidays Ana.
I feel we can spend so much time and energy trying to meet someone else's standards that we can forget, that the other person must meet are standards as well.


I should stay single for a little while, at least until I'm closer to my mission. My mission, 6 pack, 6 figures, nice car, through sales, and marketing. It sucks because I do better with someone. Though it's not about just getting a woman. It's about rebranding, rebuilding, recreating. I am glad I had fling before I started this. I am also getting on anti depression medication. Going back to therapy. I will be fixing myself. Recovering from my ex. Now men Going there own way isn't all hate, in fact some of us are just going monk mode, until we can fix what broke.


Wanting to be in a relationship that leads to marriage is my motivation. I'm just unable to deal with koy behavior. I'm GenX, we respect and appreciate people doing well in life. And we hate it when someone (women) don't respect and appreciate us for doing well in life. That's koy behavior.


Hi Anna, thank you for the kind words and advice. I've been a widower for over 3 years now and in that time have managed to discover who I really am. It's also given me the opportunity to self develop. So what you said young lady, has vindicated my decisions. Much appreciated 🙏


Can you do a video on why girls on a first date feel the need to tell you about all the guys she knows, what they do, and all the pictures she has of them in their phone? I don't get it at all


Can totally relate to this. After losing the love of my life this past june when she passed away needlessly. I had to take the love i had for her and turn it on myself. Or i wasn't going to make it. The worse pain and sadness i have ever felt in my life. I needed to heal and find myself again. Work on me. My physical and mental health. I look around in this new normal dating scene and it makes me more depressed. Nobody will ever compare to her anyways. So why bother. She was everything to me. I am open to finding a good loyal and trustworthy woman but they are rare these days. Just working. Stacking my cash. Investments and hobbies. It is what it is. Being red pilled as i am. It will take a real special woman to even get my attention at this point.


Now that I'm in my late 60s friends with benefits is the ONLY way for me, I have to know them, or after I GET to know them will we be intimate. I am upfront with them and they have to be into that lifestyle. I don't want a woman who will be with me for 2 years and then out of nowhere say "I'm going to go get with THIS guy, OH, by the way, I'm going to take half your stuff".
