Difficult Decisions... This is the WORST Part of My Job

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When working with the conflict between people and wildlife, there are often difficult decisions that need to be made. While out on the last leg of his Tucson trip, Bryan has to experience what is often times the worst part of our job.

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Thank you so much for showing compassion to these beautiful creatures. Too often snakes are maligned when they should be revered for their role in the ecosystem. I know they are in good hands when you rescue them. I'm sorry you had to put one down today.


sorry to you to put that snake down. When I retired, I was going to volunteer at a dog shelter but that would have been my issue too or I would have fallen in love with the dog and taken it home. I felt sorry for you and could hear it in your voice.


Sometimes we have to endure the ugly side to appreciate fully the beautiful side of your work. This is what you are saving many, many snakes from experiencing. Thanks for your sensitive approach to this difficult part of snake relocation.


While I don't like snakes, I appreciate that you care enough to put them out of their pain rather than letting them suffer. Thank you.


I feel ya, dude. Sometimes I have to do that when I come across a run over snake still alive while road cruising. It turns something fun into something miserable instantly. They only way to rebound from it for me is to find more snakes after that incident knowing I helped rescue them from being possible roadkill that day/night. Not to hijack your video but I did a video short on this with a glossy snake on my channel. Sorry you had to euthanize but glad you were able to rescue the other snakes, especially that awesome sidewinder!


I don't like snakes but that made me cry. Stay safe


You guys are wonderful with a huge heart. Thank you.


I'm so sorry to see that your time in Tucson ended on such an unfortunate low note, but I'm glad that you were able to help all the other snakes that you did while you were here.


I’m sorry you had to do that. That is an example of true love, to not let it suffer. 😢


Your care and compassion is incredible. The right thing is seldom the easy thing. It takes a real man (or woman). Thank you.


hmmm i actually cried for the snake and his buddy, bless you my friend


Wow. That's a bummer. I live at the end of the hills in Utah and we have a lot of rattlesnakes that will come down the hill looking for food. I don't mess with them... but I've heard my neighbors putting them down if they see 'em. I don't think we have as many "rescue" type people out here as you do there in Arizona.


Who knew I'd ever be so emotional about the loss of a rattlesnake.😢


I'm so sorry you have to do that at times, but you know and I know that it is the only option sometimes! I've had to do it with newborn kittens and puppies. Only a few times, but it will ruin everything for a few days! Thank you for all you and your crew do to keep the people and the animals safe! I live in the West Texas desert, and there's no doubt in my mind we have a good many venomous snakes moving around now looking for cool and water. Be safe out there!


I’m really sorry about that. It hurts to even hear about, so it couldn’t have been easy. It’s time to get back to Phoenix on that note!


Yeah that's why I quit working as a vet tech in my 20's, I still hate having to do it and I rarely have to but I'll still do the job myself before I'll let anyone else put one of my own down, get out there and save some more it'll help


God bless you for the snake you put down… you’re all heart friend. The animal world needs way more like you. ❤️


I just stumbled into your channel. Very nice. I'm brand new here and wanted to pass something along. Apologies if others have said it.

Rattlesnakes are pit vipers and recognize two heat signatures - mice and monsters. If you aren't a mouse, you're a monster. It's terrified of monsters and just wants to get away.


Brian, I 'm so sorry you had to do what you had to do 😢


I'm a new subscriber. I love your content and your kind heart. Ill be watching brother. Thank you.
