Belka-DX shortwave receiver

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Listening to DX using Belrig Belka-DX shortwave receiver with telescopic whip. Recorded on 4 June 2022 in Terrigal, Australia.

0:00 - Introduction
0:36 - Hungary
1:09 - Germany
1:32 - New Zealand
1:47 - Australia (cw)
3:30 - Austria
4:01 - Denmark
4:32 - Italy
4:54 - Germany
5:08 - USA
5:58 - Austria
6:23 - Australia
8:06 - New Zealand
8:10 - USA
9:06 - USA (cw)
11:05 - Finish

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What a great rx with such great sensitivity with a small antenna, almost like magic. I just bought one too


...and here we see the little Belka in it's natural habitat, you can see how it tries to get close to the ocean in order to feast on the rich radio waves washing ashore.... 🙂 Belka + nearby ocean = bliss.

(Sounds like you have a better ocean than me, you hear my neck of the beaches (German North Sea) better than I hear yours! 🙃)


James, what a fantastic SWL radio for DX, you can make a better location by the sea area, and getting good results. New radio must be costing you a fortune and on going cost. 73 44 de Dennis VK4OC. TU for your good video mate.


I have a Belka-DX and the new Belka 2022 model both are great portable receivers. The extended range give me a chance to enjoy MW DXING, LW here is just beacons or NOAA on 520 KHZ as the LW stations are inaudible in Tucson, AZ area do to RF noise.


Amazing little receiver....I also have one and I love it !
Wonderful location for some shortwave listening.
73, Patrick ON4CDJ


Great video, thanks. I had a BELKA-DX and have just upgraded to the latest BELKA with LW and MW extended frequency range. It really is a fantastic receiver! Out of interest, what is plugged into the headphone Jack? Looks like a phone?


Strange, why such a high noise level at 14 MHz? From a camcorder or something else?
I have such a noise level in the center of a residential village. And it looks like a deserted place around here.


How do you rate Belka DX, are you happy with it? Please write a review. Does the receiver work like this only near the sea, or is there also such a DX reception near your house?
