Unboxing: Demon Sword - RonMan Gaming

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Please enjoy my first unboxing of an NES game. If you're looking for more unboxing content, please check out:

Back in the Day

World of Nintendo
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Great first unboxing! I totally get not wanting to take the posters away from their games. I bought loose copies of the two maps/posters from Chronotrigger to frame for my game room instead of using the ones from my copy of the game. I'll also have to check out my copy of Demon Sword to see if the screenshots on the box have a similar misprint. Thanks for the plug, by the way! I've had your channel listed in the "recommended channels" list on my own channel ever since I started watching your videos earlier this year. Love your content. Keep up the good work!


Dude, this was awesome! I guess the old saying is true. The sincerest form of flattery is imitation. Even thought I'm not familiar with the game itself, I really enjoyed the unboxing. I do recall watching your review of it, however that was when I first discovered your channel. So I'll need to go back and watch it again to re-familiarize myself with it. Your copy looks like it's in pretty nice shape, and it also looks like you've got all the inserts as well. If I had to rate your first unboxing, I'd easily give it a 10 out of 10! Haha!
In all seriousness though, I really enjoyed it. And thanks for the shout out. I honestly look forward to your videos as well and can say that it definitely feels like we've become friends just from commenting back and forth on each other videos. Keep up the awesome work RonMan!


Ron is the man! Thanks for another video!


Awesome room man! I have this game but don't love it. Thanks for the unboxing! Like button smashed and subbed. Good content man.


I basically never beat games growing up either lol. But I’ve played the first half of too many games.


Another great video find my buddy Ron Man gaming. I remember playing this game back in the day it was actually a pretty tough game like you said, if you didn’t have the manual you would run around aimlessly trying to figure out what every item did. I also love how clean the box is! It’s also pretty funny how long the front of the manual says how to play I don’t know I just think that’s weird 😂

One more thing how do you get your camera facing down like that? It feels like it’s just floating in mid air


Nice one, please do some SNES games unboxings.


Ya know, I've been thinking about doing this on my channel (I do unboxing videos and such). I have a copy of Star Tropics 2 that I've been on the fence about opening but then again, I'm more of the philosophy of games are meant to be enjoyed instead of looked at.
By the way, I thought your first attempt at unboxing was pretty cool! Hope to see more!


Very nice first unboxing video! I've been a follower of Back in the Day for quite some time now and I also highly recommend people check out his channel.

My theory as to why NES boxes are longer than the game was so that it looked more like a VHS tape which the NES design was clearly based off of. Either that or it's because everything in America has to be big.

It looks like your copy has all the inserts minus the plastic baggy.


Its spiritual sequel to legend of kage. This looks decent. Ive played all the obvious aeesond ones I gotta give this lesser one a try


Ok, I was always confused about the cover character and the game play footage. Thanks for clarifying, lol.


This game always made me think that it was a more "complete game" version of Legend of Kage.


Was japan a disc game? If so if might have had too much mega power to birn on a rom. Smallet rom cheaper to produce for round eye.
